Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Author: Jessica Wong Camhi (Page 3 of 9)

Weekly Jobs Roundup

Here’s our weekly roundup of new jobs. As always, they go up immediately on their own page. Happy hunting!

Weekly Jobs Roundup

Here’s our weekly roundup of new jobs. As always, they go up immediately on their own page. Happy hunting!

Happy Holidays and End of the Semester!

Congratulations to all Tufts students and professors who have officially finished the Fall 2015 semester! If you are like me, you had final projects straight up until this week, and now you can finally relax with friends and family.

We would like to remind you to please keep checking back with the blog over break. We will continue posting job announcements, events, and regular posts from us and some special guest posters.

Finally, now that you might have a little extra time to mull over the work you have done this year, please keep us in mind. We would love to post some of the thoughts that you have had throughout the semester, and we are always happy to help edit or bounce ideas.

Jess and I want to wish a relaxing break to students, professors, and those of you using your precious vacation days (unless you are lucky enough to work in museums that close over the winter break!)

Safe travels and we wish you a healthy New Year.

Colleen & Jess

Weekly Jobs Roundup

Here’s our weekly roundup of new jobs. As always, they go up immediately on their own page. Happy hunting!


Constructed Landscapes: Photographing America in the Twentieth Century

Seven months after Tufts’ Exhibition Design class made me realize that a 7-foot panel was not enough space in the gallery for me, I’m very happy to announce the opening of my exhibition: Constructed Landscapes: Photographing America in the Twentieth Century!

Constructed Landscapes is in the Slater Concourse Gallery (composed of two 40-foot facing walls in Tufts’ Aidekman Arts Center on Talbot Ave in Medford). This gallery is open to temporary exhibitions curated by campus groups, faculty, staff, and students through an application process. As such, there have been some incredibly diverse materials exhibited throughout this semester! My show displays American photography, with a focus on the urban or semi-urban landscape. All of the photographs are from the Tufts University Permanent Collection.

I will be writing a series of posts to describe the general process of applying for a Slater exhibition, how my particular show worked out, and what I learned from the process. I look forward to your feedback on the exhibition and the blog posts!

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