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Museums Advocacy Day 2012

Dear Museums Advocacy Day supporters,

With just a few days to go until Museums Advocacy Day 2012 gets underway, we ask you to please share the following message with your members and networks:

Museums Advocacy Day 2012 Webcast
The American Association of Museums will be webcasting portions of the two-day
event. We invite you to visit http://www.speakupformuseums.org/video.htm to watch a LIVE webcast of these Museums Advocacy Day events:
• Monday, February 27, 9:00am-11:30am ET – Advocacy Essentials
• Monday, February 27, 12:30pm-2:00pm ET – Federal Agency Speakers
• Monday, February 27, approximately 6:45pm-7:30pm ET – Congressional Reception**
• Tuesday, February 28, approximately 8:15am-9:30am ET – Congressional Breakfast

We hope that these programs – and the accompanying materials on this webpage – will provide your members and colleagues an opportunity to advocate from anywhere. We also invite you to join the conversation on social media channels (using the #museumsadvocacy hashtag).

With your help, we can make Museums Advocacy Day 2012 a truly national event.

Graduate Student Presentations at AAM

Straight from AAM:

Museum Grad Students,

Here’s a great opportunity to share your knowledge and build your presentation skills at the 2012 AAM annual meeting!

The 2012 Graduate “Flash” Showcase will be held at the AAM Annual Meeting 2012 in Minneapolis St. Paul on Wednesday, May 2, from 12:15-1:45 p.m. This showcase is a series of back-to-back mini-sessions (or 20-minute “Flashes”) on current programs, projects, or research presented by graduate students or recently-graduated emerging professionals with less than two years experience in the field.

To propose a “Flash” showcase, graduate students and other emerging professionals must be members of AAM and must be available for the presentation on Wednesday, May 2, from 12:15-1:45 p.m.  Submission deadline is January 13.

For more information and application form, please contact Greg Stevens, assistant director for professional development at gstevens[at]aam-us[dot]org.

AAM Annual Meeting Fellowships

Heads up!

The AAM Annual Meeting Fellowship opportunities have been posted at

The following fellowships offer a travel stipend (at least $750), complimentary conference registration, and tickets to the fellowship breakfast and other selected events.
1. Diversity Fellowships support professional growth and retention of under-represented professionals in the museum field.
2. Emerging Museum Professional (EMP)
Fellowships are available to those in the first 10 years of their career in the museum field.
3. Mid-Career Professional Network Fellowships are available for individuals working in one of the following capacities:
audience research and evaluation
development and membership
diversity and inclusion
exhibit development and design
media and technology
museum administration and management
museum professional training
public relations and marketing
small museum administration.

Applications will be selected by the leadership of AAM’s Professional Networks.

Applications must be post-marked by Jan. 31, 2012.

You should also check out this blog post from the AAM EMP blog, which offers a few tips and suggestions about applying

Happy (?) Museums Advocacy Day!

If you haven’t been following the AAM’s Facebook feed – or any of their other communication methods – you might not know that today and tomorrow are designated as Museum Advocacy Days. The AAM, through its website Speak Up For Museums, is promoting a number of ways to get in touch with your local representatives and make a case for why museums are vital in their communities.

There will be a number of events down in Washington, D.C., but for us students who might not have the resources to jet down there to participate in the workshops, what can be done at home?


– You can catch up on your reading by leafing through the AAM’s Advocacy Materials website – it’s a great collection of PDFs with highlights of the how and why of advocating for museums.

– You can watch the archived webinar about museum advocacy that the AAM did a few months ago. (And read our own Kris Bierfelt’s highlights overview if you don’t have time to watch the whole thing.)

– You can also watch the live feed of the programming in Washington, D.C. through the AAM’s website here.

Come on back tomorrow, and we’ll have even more ways you can participate in standing up for museums.

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