Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Tag: book clubs

Reminder! John Falk Book Discussion & Drinking About Museum

This is your reminder that the DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum is hosting not one but two fantastic professional development events next week. Everyone should try to make at least one of them!

First up is on Wednesday, June 6. The NEMA Young and Emerging Professionals and the Greater Boston Museum Educators’ Roundtable are co-sponsoring a book discussion group of Identity and the Museum Visitor Experience, by John Falk, and – most excitingly – Falk himself will be joining in by Skype.

Networking for the event is from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., and the discussion group itself is from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. To RSVP, email Emily Silet – esilet[at]decordova[dot]org.

Then on Thursday, June 7 is the next installment of the fabulous Drinking About Museums series. I’ve copied the text right over from Ed Rodley’s blog:

We’re continuing our ambitious agenda of museum visits followed by drinking, and this month, we’re moving out into the ‘burbs, this time to Lincoln, MA, and the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum.  Their new Gary Webb show will be up and our hostess, Jennifer Schmitt  is hoping we might do a bit of  brainstorming about how deCordova might employ digital technologies in their future plans. Bring your thinking caps!

We’ll be at deCordova at 4:30PM looking for you.  DM me (@erodley) or Jenn (@bantryhill) if you get lost or delayed.

Afterwards, we will adjourn to The Colonial Inn in Concord for refreshments. It’s a short drive from deCordova, so leave yourself transit time. If you can’t join us for the museum part, come meet us in Concord! Burgers and beer will be had and more conversation will follow!

June 7th, 4:30PM
deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum
51 Sandy Pond Road
Lincoln, MA 01773

drinks following at 6PM 
Concord’s Colonial Inn
48 Monument Sq.
Concord, MA 01742

YEP Book Club & Networking

Heads up – the NEMA Young and Emerging Professionals and the Greater Boston Museum Educators Roundtable are teaming up to present a great night of discussion and networking at the DeCordova Sculpture Park & Museum.

Greater Boston Museum Educators’ Roundtable and the New England Museum Association Young and Emerging Museum Professionals bring you a discussion and question and answer session with John Falk, author of “Identity and the Museum Visitor Experience”.

Mr Falk will be joining the book club via Skype.

Join us for networking from 4:00pm-6:00pm and for Book Club with John Falk from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.

Please RSVP to both/either event by emailing Emily Silet at esilet@decordova.org

Interested in carpooling to the event? The New England Museum Association is helping to arrange carpooling to the DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park for the event. Please contact Leslie Howard at leslie.howard@nemanet.org if you are interested in carpooling. Please be mindful that NEMA cannot guarantee carpool arrangements.

NEMA YEPS Book Club Tonight!

Reminder: tonight, the NEMA Young and Emerging Professionals will be hosting a book club discussion of Socialnomics by Erik Qualman.

The YEPS are meeting from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Old State House.

Here’s their announcement:

NEMA YEPs Book Club #3

When: Wednesday, March 14, 2012, 6:00-8:00 pm

Where: Bostonian Society, Old State House, 206 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02109

Who: All museum professionals interested in reading and discussing the book of choice. Books are chosen through in-person event voting and online voting via the YEPs Facebook page.

Book: “Socialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business” by Erik Qualman

Join the NEMA YEPs for their third book club meeting on Wednesday, March 14, at 6:00 pm, at the Old State House in Boston! The book discussion will focus on Erik Qualman’s “Socialnomics,” highlighting how museums can utilize social media as an education and interpretation tool, to build community, to strengthen relationships, and to expand their reach and visibility. Not sure if the book is for you? Check out this video, by the author, on YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpMZbT1tx2o for an amazing overview of how social media truly is ‘transforming the way we live and do business.’

From the inside flap of “Socialnomics”:

“Social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are fundamentally changing the way businesses and consumers behave, connecting hundreds of millions of people to each other via instant communication. This is a massive socio-economic shift that is fundamentally changing the way consumers and companies communicate and interact with each other.

Welcome to the world of Socialnomics—where consumers and the societies they create online have a profound influence on our economy and the businesses that operate within it. Online word of mouth and the powerful influence of peer groups have already made many traditional marketing strategies obsolete. Today’s best businesses and marketers are learning to profitably navigate this new landscape…

In “Socialnomics,” Erik Qualman offers a fascinating look at the impact of social media on business to reveal what the future holds and how businesses can best take advantage of it. He explores how social media is changing the way businesses produce, market, and sell products; how it eliminates inefficient marketing tactics and middlemen; and how businesses are connecting directly with their customers through popular social media platforms.”

For more information on the Bostonian Society and Old State House, visit:www.RevolutionaryBoston.org

For more information on “Socialnomics” and Erik Qualman, visit: www.socialnomics.net/