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Tag: boston emps (Page 2 of 4)

Reminder: One week from today, Boston EMPs event

If you haven’t signed up for this great event yet, you should definitely get right on that!

Understanding Government Job Applications
June 27, 6 p.m.
Northeast Museum Services Center, Charlestown Navy Yard
Interested in working for the government but daunted by all the paperwork, grade levels and bureaucracy that goes into applying? Come attend our June workshop: learn the basics of the application process and some of the reasons working for the government may or may not be for you!
Alicia Paresi has worked with the Northeast Museum Services Center, part of the National Park Services, for over 15 years. She is the curator of archeology collections and will talk about working for museums and programs operated by the government, some of the pros and cons of government work, and how to apply for your first government job.
The workshop will be at 6 p.m. on June 27 at the Northeast Museum Services Center in the Charlestown Navy Yard, Mass., near the USS Constitution Museum. Parking is available but needs to be arranged prior to arrival.
The discussion will be from 6-7 p.m., followed by a brief tour of the building, some of the current archaeological projects, and the archives from 7-7:30pm. If there is interest after the workshop we can get dinner or drinks and continue the conversation!
RSVPs are required for attendance. Please RSVP to BostonEMPs[at]gmail[dot]com by June 18 and note if you will be driving.

Reminder! John Falk Book Discussion & Drinking About Museum

This is your reminder that the DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum is hosting not one but two fantastic professional development events next week. Everyone should try to make at least one of them!

First up is on Wednesday, June 6. The NEMA Young and Emerging Professionals and the Greater Boston Museum Educators’ Roundtable are co-sponsoring a book discussion group of Identity and the Museum Visitor Experience, by John Falk, and – most excitingly – Falk himself will be joining in by Skype.

Networking for the event is from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m., and the discussion group itself is from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. To RSVP, email Emily Silet – esilet[at]decordova[dot]org.

Then on Thursday, June 7 is the next installment of the fabulous Drinking About Museums series. I’ve copied the text right over from Ed Rodley’s blog:

We’re continuing our ambitious agenda of museum visits followed by drinking, and this month, we’re moving out into the ‘burbs, this time to Lincoln, MA, and the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum.  Their new Gary Webb show will be up and our hostess, Jennifer Schmitt  is hoping we might do a bit of  brainstorming about how deCordova might employ digital technologies in their future plans. Bring your thinking caps!

We’ll be at deCordova at 4:30PM looking for you.  DM me (@erodley) or Jenn (@bantryhill) if you get lost or delayed.

Afterwards, we will adjourn to The Colonial Inn in Concord for refreshments. It’s a short drive from deCordova, so leave yourself transit time. If you can’t join us for the museum part, come meet us in Concord! Burgers and beer will be had and more conversation will follow!

June 7th, 4:30PM
deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum
51 Sandy Pond Road
Lincoln, MA 01773

drinks following at 6PM 
Concord’s Colonial Inn
48 Monument Sq.
Concord, MA 01742

Boston EMP Event: Working for the Government

Copied right over from the Boston EMP announcement:

Hello Boston EMPers!

Interested in working for the government but daunted by all the paperwork, grade levels, and bureaucracy that goes into applying?  Come attend our June workshop – learn the basics of the application process and some of the reasons working for the government may or may not be for you!

Alicia Paresi has worked with the Northeast Museum Services Center, a part of the National Park Services, for over 15 years.  She is the Curator of Archeology Collections and will talk about working for museums and programs operated by the government, some of the pros and cons of government work, and how to apply for your first government job.

The workshop will be at 6pm on June 27th at the Northeast Museum Services Center in the Charlestown Navy Yard, Charlestown MA, near the USS Constitution Museum.  Parking is available but needs to be arranged prior to arrival.  The discussion will be from 6 – 7pm, followed by a brief tour of the building, some of the current archaeological projects, and the archives from 7 – 7:30pm.  If there is interest after the workshop we can get dinner or drinks and continue the conversation!

RSVPs are required for attendance.  Please RSVP by responding to this email by June 18th and note if you will be driving.

See you there!

For those not on the Boston EMP mailing list, shoot an email to join or to RSVP for this event to bostonemps[at]gmail[dot]com.

Learn, Laugh, Love, Part II: A Series of Mini Workshops with Maximum Impact

From NEMA:

Learn, Laugh, Love: Part II
A Series of Mini-Workshops with Maximum Impact     

Learn, Laugh, Love brings together individuals from various professional positions and levels of seniority, both of local and national stature, to encourage those who are just entering the field, especially career changers, students, and those who are seeking to further their current position, in three informal learning situations, where networking at peer to peer and peer to mentor level are key components.
Each workshop includes light refreshments and is $15 for NEMA Members,

$25 for Non-Members. Members can register for all three workshops for only $40, a savings of $5!

The registration deadline is one week prior to each workshop.

Space is limited! Register early!

LEARN: To Museum Studies or not to Museum Studies? Considering Grad
Wednesday, March 28, 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Metropolitan Waterworks Museum, Chestnut Hill, MA
Registration Deadline: March 22
Is it time to consider a graduate degree? Interested in the museum studies, but not sure what the degree will cover, and if it is the right fit? This topic, in some ways controversial, has gained steam lately, with the January/February 2012 American Association of Museums’ Museum magazine tackling the topic in two articles, and with countless blogs following suit in support, defense, or defiance of museum studies programs. Join a panel of professors, teaching assistants, thesis directors, and alumni from museum studies and related programs throughout New England as we contemplate the validity of such programs, the respect given (or not given) to graduates, the weight of academic degrees when seeking employment, and the implications of museum studies on the museum field.

Register Now

There will be a networking event after the workshop:
1928-1960 Beacon Street
Brighton, MA 02135
RSVP here for just the networking event
LAUGH: From the Trenches: 10 Things I Wish I Had Not Learned the Hard Way
Thursday, April 12, 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the Boston Public Library
Registration Deadline: April 5
The wisdom of crowds is great, but how about learning from individuals who learned the hard way? This workshop will bring together a group of more experienced young and emerging museum professionals who will share the biggest lessons they have learned on the job thus far. Each panelist will cover ten lessons they have learned the hard way, from how to approach new problems, to discussing issues with directors, how to work with difficult board members and more. Ample time will be provided to ask these not-quite emerging, not-quite mid-career professions questions you have about the field. Amusement and laughter are also on the agenda, as learned lessons, despite the pain they may have brought on at the time, are entertaining in retrospect!

Register Now

There will be a networking event after the workshop:
Connexion Lounge
Copley Place
110 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02116
RSVP here for just the networking event


LOVE: I Love My Job, But… Raises, Transitioning, and Advocating for More Responsibility
Thursday, April 26, 2012, 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Tufts University Art Gallery at the Aidekman Arts Center, Medford, MA
Registration Deadline: April 19
Feeling like you will never move beyond an entry level position? Not sure how to move from part-time, hourly positions, to salaried positions with benefits offered? How do you gain experience to move up the ladder? How do you escape the perpetual loop of needing the experience to get the job but need the job to get the experience? What can you learn from the findings of the 2010/2011 NEMA Salary and Benefits Survey and how can it help you when seeking a raise or a new position? Panelists will provide tips on self-branding, advocating for better positions and more responsibility, and discussing raises with your supervisors and directors.

Register Now

There will be a networking event after the workshop:
Orleans Bar and Restaurant
65 Holland Street
Somerville, MA 02144
RSVP here for just the networking event 

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