Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Tag: conferences (Page 3 of 8)

Conferences you should know about!

Everyone’s talking aNEMA NEMA NEMA in the run up  to their conference this November, (and for good reason, it’s a great opportunity to meet and chat with the people who are coming up with ideas and moving the cogs in our regional museum community.) But it’s hardly the only conferences! I grabbed just three of the conferences I heard about this week and took a closer look:


MUSEUM NEXT (May 2013)

Europe’s biggest conference about the digital side of museums has issued an open call for papers (deadline November 1). While they  won’t fly you to Amsterdam, they will offer you free admission to the conference, and who doesn’t want to go to Amsterdam?! Also, for those of us on a grad school budget, this is still a great example of a robust website which you should be reading anyway with fantastic articles and even a number of their past conference sessions posted to Vimeo. Find out more: http://www.museumnext.org/conference/conference.html




The Artifact, its Context, and their Narrative: Multidisciplinary Conservation in Historic House Museums.

This collaborative conference tours and examines the care of and potential for historic houses on the other coast. Two days of site visits and two days of lectures. Of course, we’re unsurprised that one of the keynote speakers is from Historic New England. It’s a great, really focused conference if you can make it. If you can’t, try scoping out the speaker and presentation list. If you’ve got a burning question about historic houses, think of this as a list of people who have really volunteered to be experts and spent time synthesizing an issue. Check out  the papers and sessions presented.  Find out more: https://www.uscarchitecture.com/demhist#demhist_topics




HUMANITIES CONFERENCE in Budapest (June 19-21, 2012)

Another daydream location, this conference is held annually around the world. BUT, even if Budapest is out of your price range, they do offer opportunities to present virtually or submit in absentia papers to their journal. (Call for papers deadline is November 12)  This is a great interdisciplinary conference, with online and on-site sessions, which examines new ways to teach and research across disciplines with speakers from around the world. Find out more: http://thehumanities.com/the-conference


What do you think? What other conferences are out there and how else can we get more from them?

Informal Dinner Discussion at NEMA

Shameless plug time! If you’re headed to NEMA, and you’re a Young or Emerging Professional, I have a suggestion for you. On Thursday night, if you don’t feel moved to purchase a ticket to go to a museum event (and they can be pricey, especially on a student budget!) come hang out at the Bluebird Restaurant in Burlington. It’s going to be great. I’m not just saying that because as a co-chair of the NEMA YEPs, I’m co-hosting this event along with Kate Laurel Burgess-McIntosh of Revitalizing Historic Sites Through Contemporary Art. Here are the details:

Push the Envelope, Break the Mold, Climb Out of the Box: Set Yourself Apart for Success 

Evening Dinner and Discussion: Thursday, November 8, Bluebird Restaurant

Open to all museum professionals at all levels;
recommended especially for Young and Emerging Museum Professionals

Especially designed for those who are seeking creative ways to approach job searching and networking, this open forum dialogue will provide opportunities for participants to brainstorm and discuss ways to set themselves apart in an increasingly challenging field. Talk to professionals with all levels of experience—be it fellow job seekers, those with more experience in the field, students, consultants, and more—and learn ways to highlight your skills, create a career plan and goals, and emphasize your unique qualities when applying for positions, interviewing, climbing up the ladder, and, ultimately, setting yourself apart.

AASLH Call for Proposals

The American Association for State and Local History has issued a call for proposals for its 2013 Annual Meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, and they’ve got a really terrific theme. Here’s what they have to say:

Birmingham is a city which has reoriented its history, inspiring international human rights movements. It is the perfect place to think & talk about how stories of ordinary people and extraordinary change inspire and inform us, our publics, and our programs and outreach.

Focusing on the famous names of history neglects the unnamed people who insisted on their rights, worked together, and who were anything but ordinary in their courage and resolve. Founded in 1871 as a transportation and industrial center of the New South, Birmingham was nicknamed the “Magic City” for its fast growth. And it was the center of a movement that caught the attention of the world and led to the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Birmingham Pledge to eliminate prejudice. The 1963 Birmingham Summer transformed the city and changed the United States.

Session and Workshop proposals are now being accepted.

Fifty years after hundreds of young people stood solid for freedom. Fifty years after King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” articulated principles of nonviolence. Fifty years later we ask: If history is the example, the provocateur, and the context—how do we best use it today? How do you incorporate stories of ordinary people’s extraordinary lives in your institution? How can we build programs that deal directly with issues, making history interesting, relevant, useful, and human? What interesting and unusual techniques do you use to fulfill your organization’s mission? What kinds of program ideas are you trying out that are a little different than what you’ve always done? How do you encourage active involvement from your public? What have you tried that hasn’t been as successful as you want? How do you take the history your organization uses and connect it to people’s lives?  How is change reflected in your institution’s programs? What ideas and examples are there in local history that can inspire us?

Visit the 2013 AASLH Annual Meeting website for more information and to download a session proposal with instructions.

Proposals for sessions or workshops for the 2013 Annual Meeting must be submitted on a Call for Proposals form. You may submit the form via email, fax, or mail.

Deadline: November 16, 2012

NEMA Conference Scholarships

I know, I know – grad students don’t exactly have a ton of excess money floating around, so you’re a little hesitant about ponying up the cash for the NEMA conference this fall.

You don’t have to go it alone, though! There are several scholarships available that will help pay to attend NEMA – and at least one of them provides preference to Tufts students. (The Laura B. Roberts Scholarship.)

Check out all the NEMA opportunities here. You submit one application, and they’ll consider you for all the scholarships for which you are qualified. Deadline is September 17, and they’ll notify in early October.

But why put all your eggs in one basket? Did you know that Tufts University offers travel funding to conferences for its graduate students? I was lucky enough to receive funding last winter to travel to Salt Lake City to attend a Program Committee meeting for AASLH – and I if I made the cut, then you definitely can!

Learn more about Tufts funding opportunities here.

Last but not least – consider other ways to subsidize your attendance. Split a hotel room with three or four other Tufts students. Sign up to volunteer. Carpool up in someone’s trunk backseat.

Moral of the story: you don’t want to miss this conference.

AASLH Online Conference

The American Association for State and Local History’s Annual Conference is an amazingly good time for museum & history professionals, but this year it’s being held all the way across the country from us in Salt Lake City, Utah.

If your student budget can’t stretch to cover airfare and the hotel, consider this terrific idea instead: attending the conference online. For a pretty low fee, you can get access to (in my opinion) some of the very best and most interesting sessions at the conference. If anyone is interested in splitting the group attendance fee at the member discount, let me know and perhaps we can arrange a Tufts viewing party!

Here’s what AASLH has to say:

Can’t come to Salt Lake City but still want to attend the AASLH Annual Meeting? You can still attend the Online Conference and attend six hot topic sessions from the 2012 Annual Meeting, plus featured speakers, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich and Will Bagley!

Online Conference Sessions:

  • Too Important to Fail! Historic House Museums Meet Communities’ Needs
  • Bad Boards, Bad Boards, What’cha Gonna Do: Strategies for Fixing Poorly Functioning Museum Boards
  • Localizing Difficult Histories
  • The Changing Web: The Future of the (History) Website
  • Yield to On-Coming Traffic: No Stopping Strollers and Small Feet
  • What Do History Museums Really Need to Know About Their Visitors’ Experience?

Visit the Online Conference Website for more information and the full schedule.

  • $55 Individuals
  • $105 Individuals
  • $95 Group
  • $145 Group
  • $115 Group, multiple log ins
  • $175 Group, multiple log ins

Register Now!

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