I know, I’m all about the free online learning lately, but – there are so many quality resources out there to help museum professionals that I can’t restrain myself.
Shaping Outcomes, in their own words:
- Provides an online curriculum in outcomes-based planning and evaluation (OBPE)
- Is designed for library and museum professionals as well as students in those fields
- Teaches the concepts and vocabulary of outcomes-based planning and evaluation (OBPE)
- Helps participants develop the skills necessary for producing a logic model using OBPE
- Was developed as a cooperative project between the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Shaping Outcomes can be used as:
- A self-paced online tutorial
- An instructor-mediated distance learning course
- A curriculum for library science and museum studies classes
- The basis for in-person or distance learning workshops