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Tag: free resources (Page 3 of 7)

Free Webinars from AASLH

Copying this one right over from their newsletter; these all sound great and thanks to an IMLS grant they’re FREE.

AASLH is able to offer the following webinar series free of charge with funding generously provided by an IMLS 21st Century Museum Professionals grant. Register for one, two, or all three!Telling a Good Story

November 17, 2011

Time: 2-3:15 pm Eastern

A good guided tour is a good story, told well, says guest speaker Linda Norris. Join us to learn the basics of creating a meaningful tour and creative ways tour guides can connect with visitors who arrive at your site with many different interests.

Creating Historic House Interpretive Plans that Connect December 8, 2011

Time: 2-3:15 pm Eastern

Interpretive plans that connect with your visitors and their lives are the keystone for a positive visitor experience. Guest speaker Nancy Bryk will show participants how research is an integral part of the interpretive planning process.

Redefining Audiences

January 27, 2012

Time: 2-3:15 pm Eastern

Who are our current audiences and how can we engage new ones? Looking at the most recent U.S. Census, Susie Wilkening will discuss demographic change and the valuable ways in which history organizations can use census data.

Webinar content is supported by StEPs standards and performance indicators. Pre-registration is necessary.

Click here to register online or to register by phone or mail, contact Terry Jackson, Program Associate, at 615-320-3203 or by email to jackson[at]aaslh[dot]org

Wild Apricot’s Nonprofit Webinars Roundup

Every month, Wild Apricot posts a great blog roundup of free nonprofit webinars. It’s a list well worth looking over; there’s usually something for everyone.

If you can spare an hour or two each week, you can get some great education about nonprofit questions, many of which are directly applicable to museum work.

Check out their October listing.

PS – the Wild Apricot blog is great on general principle – add it to your reading list.

Blue Avocado

Some thoughtful reading for you going into the weekend.

Blue Avocado is a very thoughtful newsletter/magazine/blog dedicated to solving issues in nonprofits. They tend to focus on “community organizations” but their advice is practical, timely, and spot-on for museums as well.

Enjoy, and hopefully you are all now craving guacamole right along with me…

Stanford Social Innovation Review

I know you’re all keeping busy this summer with internships, summer jobs, and beating the heat, but surely we all have some time for edifying reading, right?

The Stanford Social Innovation Review is a really great magazine with a great deal of application for museums. It focuses on just what it says – innovative ways to solve social problems. That can mean new delivery models for services, better nonprofit administration and governance, more creative funding sources, and a ton of other things.

The subscription is a bit pricey at $54.95 per year, but here’s the good news: you can log in via the Tufts network. Not only that, but their website is terrific, with lots of free content. Their blog has a wealth of thoughtful opinions about nonprofit administration – the kind that really makes sense and can make an impact, not the theoretical, airy kind. There are podcasts and book reviews.

There’s a lot to read there, but even sampling it and ad

Historypin Launches

Get excited, because this is really, really cool, and it launches today.

Historypin is a website that enables users to upload their own historical content – of any kind – and then tag it on Google Maps. It is then geo-cached and dated. You can layer historical streetviews over existing streetviews – or see the layers of history in a particular house.

Early stages of the project look to be a huge success, and it’s already received awards for its social networking capabilities for the nonprofit world. Historypin was created by We Are What We Do, a non-profit company that works on social issues by creating tools that can shift mass behavior.

Stay tuned here at the Tufts Museum Studies blog; we’ll be doing a more in-depth review of the site and, we hope, some interviews with its creators.

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