Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Tag: legal concerns

Ring in the New Year with a NEMA Workshop

Orphans in the Collections: Unclaimed and Abandoned Property Workshop

Monday, January 24, 2011
Higgins Armory Museum
Worcester, MA
10:00 a.m ~ 4:00 p.m.
Registration Deadline:   January 17, 2011

Join us at the Higgins Armory Museum, Worcester, to discuss unclaimed and abandoned property issues and how they affect the museum community.

Several of our New England states have passed legislation to help the museums in their states deal with this challenging problem, but what does this legislation mean for you? What if your institution is in a state which does not have abandoned property laws? Our diverse panel looks at those issues and more.

Deborah Diemente, Registrar, RISD Museum of Art, RI
Joe LeDuc, Associate Registrar, Worcester Art Museum, MA
VivianLea Solek, Curatorial & Collections Management Consultant, CT
Gil Whittemore, Of Counsel, Rath, Young and Pignatelli, MA

NEMA Reception

Join your colleagues at O’Connors Restaurant and Bar following the workshop for a chance to mingle and enjoy light refreshments. This event is free and open to all area museum professionals.

O’Connors Restaurant and Bar
1160 West Boylston Street
Worcester, MA

Three New Blogs to Highlight

Today we’re highlighting three very interesting and interrelated blogs that appear on our blogroll, to the lower right of these posts. All three write eloquently and with definite points of view about issues of security, cultural property, and legal implications in the museum world.

Museum Security Network – Primarily a news aggregation website for all things related to museum security. The Museum Security Network was founded by Ton Cremers, former head of security at Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum, and calls itself “the main channel for the distribution of news and information pertaining to cultural property protection, preservation, conservation, and security.”

Elginism – Really interesting blog about questions of cultural property. It has a definite point of view (the site’s name comes from its created definition of Elginism: “n. 1801. An act of cultural vandalism”) but a broad scope, and some really thoughtful exposition. Well worth following.

The Art Law Blog – Terrific and informative news about law in the art world, which naturally has a lot of crossover with museums. The mix of contemplative posts as well as current issues is especially good.