Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Tag: meetups (Page 2 of 2)

Drinking About Museums @ the Museum of Science

Do you like learning about museums? Do you like talking about tech prototypes and new ways to interpret exhibits? Do you like the Boston Museum of Science? Do you like hanging out with clever museum people?

Then come to the monthly Drinking About Museums event tomorrow, May 10, at the Museum of Science.

More details here.

PS – If you don’t like the Museum of Science, then we’re no longer friends.

Guy Fawkes Pub Night @ The Old State House

Remember, remember the fifth of November…

…because this year, The Old State House is throwing what sounds like an amazing Guy Fawkes Day party. Says Nathaniel Sheidly, Historian and Director of Public History at the Bostonian Society:

The average pub might offer a pop-culture themed pub trivia quiz and the chance to talk about one’s favorite reality TV show.  But at Guy Fawkes Pub Night, the talk will be of Pope’s Day in British North America and the trivia questions will all have a history theme.  What certified History nerd could resist?  This is an opportunity for students to connect with others who share their interests in an informal setting and to explore (after hours, no less!) one of the most important public buildings in American history.Please feel free to forward this message to anyone you think may have an interest.  For more information and to purchase tickets, interested parties should click here:  http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/200895.  Questions and comments can be referred to me [nat[at]bostonhistory[dot]org] or to our Director of Education, Samantha Nelson (sam[at]bostonhistory[dot]org).

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