Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Tag: nema 2012

Informal Dinner Discussion at NEMA

Shameless plug time! If you’re headed to NEMA, and you’re a Young or Emerging Professional, I have a suggestion for you. On Thursday night, if you don’t feel moved to purchase a ticket to go to a museum event (and they can be pricey, especially on a student budget!) come hang out at the Bluebird Restaurant in Burlington. It’s going to be great. I’m not just saying that because as a co-chair of the NEMA YEPs, I’m co-hosting this event along with Kate Laurel Burgess-McIntosh of Revitalizing Historic Sites Through Contemporary Art. Here are the details:

Push the Envelope, Break the Mold, Climb Out of the Box: Set Yourself Apart for Success 

Evening Dinner and Discussion: Thursday, November 8, Bluebird Restaurant

Open to all museum professionals at all levels;
recommended especially for Young and Emerging Museum Professionals

Especially designed for those who are seeking creative ways to approach job searching and networking, this open forum dialogue will provide opportunities for participants to brainstorm and discuss ways to set themselves apart in an increasingly challenging field. Talk to professionals with all levels of experience—be it fellow job seekers, those with more experience in the field, students, consultants, and more—and learn ways to highlight your skills, create a career plan and goals, and emphasize your unique qualities when applying for positions, interviewing, climbing up the ladder, and, ultimately, setting yourself apart.

Conference Session Proposal Writing Workshop by Boston EMPs

The Boston EMPs (we’ve talked about them) are putting on a conference session proposal writing workshop at Diesel Cafe in Davis Square. This is great timing to put the finishing touches on that proposal you’re perfecting for the NEMA conference deadline of February 3.

Even if you’re not putting together a proposal – and you should really think about it! – this promises to be a good overview of this little-talked-about step in getting your name out there and taking your museum career to the next level.

Here’s their description:

Have you thought about presenting at conference, but didn’t know where to begin? Do you have an idea you want to share with the museum community but need some help with the next steps? Join us for a session proposal writing workshop on January 19th at Diesel Cafe in Davis Square.

We’ll take the intimidation out of the equation and have a conversation about what makes a session proposal a success, and we’ll go through the practical considerations of actually making it happen. Lots of time for Q and A, so come with ideas…we’re looking forward to seeing you there!

RSVP on the Boston EMP Facebook page, and while you’re there, follow the group.