The Nichols House on Beacon Hill is planning a wonderful symposium on Friday, September 30 titled “Sustaining Heritage, Sustaining Communities.”
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of its founding, the Nichols House Museum is pleased to present the symposium “Sustaining Heritage, Sustaining Communities: Museums and Historic Preservation in the 21st Century.” On September 30, 2011, five speakers from Europe and the United States will come together to share experiences from their museums and heritage sites that have showcased, revived, and sustained their respective communities. Through promoting cross-cultural understanding in Honduras; reinventing uses for historic British buildings; preserving and presenting a 17th century church in Amsterdam; conserving a national landmark in Chicago for social and cultural inclusivity; and boosting heritage tourism in Jamaica, each case study demonstrates the power sustainability has on a community’s heritage and economy. Please join us for this full day event.
Full-time students can register for $25 if they provide proof of student status. The list of presenters looks great, as do their presentation topics.
The registration page is straightforward and clean – kudos to the Nichols House for that.