Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Tag: nina simon

Public History in 2036

There’s a great conference out at UMass Amherst next weekend, September 23-24, taking a look at the future of the public history field.

Nina Simon, author of The Participatory Museum and the blog Museum 2.0 will be doing a workshop on Saturday afternoon.

Check out the program and registration information here. [PDF]

More museum blogs!

First things first: if you’re not reading Museum 2.0, you should be.

Next, check out Nina Simon’s recent post, Six Museum-Related Blogs You Might Not Know About That Are Really Good. One of the blogs is local – Thinking about Exhibits is written by Ed Rodley, an exhibit developer at Boston’s Museum of Science.

This is a fantastic collection of thoughtful writing. Go check it out. In the meantime, all these blogs have been added to the blogroll on our sidebar. (Look right, then scroll down.)

What do you say we aim to make that list the next time she does it?

Scholarships for AAM 2010

Do you want to go to the American Association of Museums Annual Meeting this spring?

Do you find yourself in the quandary of graduate students everywhere – the spirit is willing, but the checking account is weak?

Nina Simon at Museum 2.0 posted today about scholarship opportunities available from NAME, the National Association for Museum Exhibition.

Since I posted my “how I got here” post earlier this week, I’ve received lots of emails and comments from museum professionals, old and (mostly) young, about their own paths and struggles to get into the museum field.

As a followup, I want to note that there are at least four ways to attend the American Association of Museums annual meeting in Houston May 22-25, 2011 for free. AAM is the granddaddy of American museum conferences, bringing together several thousand practitioners to share, learn, argue, and socialize. While at first I found it a bit overwhelming and corporate, it has become my favorite museum conference both for the breadth of content and the volume of leaders present from whom I love to learn.
So go check it out, and good luck. If you’re a Tufts student and you win one of these scholarships – let us know so we can brag about it.