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Tag: other blogs (Page 1 of 2)

Dealing With Your Cognitive Load

Ed Rodley, of the Museum of Science and the blog Thinking About Exhibits, has had a wonderful series of posts recently about “Dealing With Your Cognitive Load.” In a four-part series, he lays out the ways that information can come to you and how you can deal with it to make the most productive use of your time and mental energy. They’re well worth a read.

Dealing With Your Cognitive Load, Part 1

Replies to Dealing With Your Cognitive Load, Part 2

Dealing With Your Cognitive Load, Part 3

Dealing With Your Cognitive Load, Part 4

Some Great Blogs for You

We’re always happy to showcase useful, interesting blogs for those interested in museums. Here’s a roundup of a few you might want to add to your regular reading list.

(There areĀ  a couple of great ways to easily follow blogs you like, including ours; this post sums up your options.)

ArtDaily – Pointed out by Tufts alum Henry Lukas, this is a really good overview of…well, everything! Lots of information on lots of topics.

NEMA – Everyone’s favorite museum association has a blog! Only a few posts so far, but it promises to be a useful and interesting reading venue.

American Enterprise – This is a blog and a participatory experiment. The National Museum of American History is writing about its research process for a big new exhibit while inviting visitor comments on shaping that exhibit. Should be interesting to see how it goes!

Museum Audience Insight – We already knew these guys were fantastic – Susie Wilkening has been generous about sharing her time and brilliance with classes at Tufts for some time now. This blog is a cut above. They’re doing important, useful research about issues that matter to museums, and they’re sharing it with us!

More museum blogs!

First things first: if you’re not reading Museum 2.0, you should be.

Next, check out Nina Simon’s recent post, Six Museum-Related Blogs You Might Not Know About That Are Really Good. One of the blogs is local – Thinking about Exhibits is written by Ed Rodley, an exhibit developer at Boston’s Museum of Science.

This is a fantastic collection of thoughtful writing. Go check it out. In the meantime, all these blogs have been added to the blogroll on our sidebar. (Look right, then scroll down.)

What do you say we aim to make that list the next time she does it?

Three New Blogs to Highlight

Today we’re highlighting three very interesting and interrelated blogs that appear on our blogroll, to the lower right of these posts. All three write eloquently and with definite points of view about issues of security, cultural property, and legal implications in the museum world.

Museum Security Network – Primarily a news aggregation website for all things related to museum security. The Museum Security Network was founded by Ton Cremers, former head of security at Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum, and calls itself “the main channel for the distribution of news and information pertaining to cultural property protection, preservation, conservation, and security.”

Elginism – Really interesting blog about questions of cultural property. It has a definite point of view (the site’s name comes from its created definition of Elginism: “n. 1801. An act of cultural vandalism”) but a broad scope, and some really thoughtful exposition. Well worth following.

The Art Law Blog – Terrific and informative news about law in the art world, which naturally has a lot of crossover with museums. The mix of contemplative posts as well as current issues is especially good.

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