Passing this along to all who might be able to go – this workshop sounds amazing. One of the speakers is Kathleen McLean, co-author of the great new book The Convivial Museum. McLean and her co-author, Wendy Pollock, recently wrote about their work on Nina Simon’s Museum 2.0 blog.
Here’s the summary; check out their website for more details and registration info. And if you go, please let us know so we can do a write-up!
Making it Meaningful: Interpreting Unique Sites and ExperiencesDate: Friday, June 17, 2011
Time: 09:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Registration: $50.00
Location: Bernard Osher Foundation Auditorium and Museum GalleriesThe Portland Museum of Art is pleased to host a day-long discussion focused on innovative strategies for creating meaningful experiences for visitors to unique sites such as the Winslow Homer Studio. The program features presentations by Kathleen McLean, Gail Davitt, Sandy Goldberg, Dinah Mack, and Kate Way. Lectures, discussions, and workshops will explore recent innovations in museum interpretation and offer ample opportunities for exchange among colleagues. Lunch at the Museum and a concluding reception at the Black Point Inn and the Winslow Homer Studio at Prouts Neck are included in the registration fee. For more information, please call Vanessa Nesvig at (207) 775-6148, ext. 3227.