We’re always happy to showcase useful, interesting blogs for those interested in museums. Here’s a roundup of a few you might want to add to your regular reading list.

(There areĀ  a couple of great ways to easily follow blogs you like, including ours; this post sums up your options.)

ArtDaily – Pointed out by Tufts alum Henry Lukas, this is a really good overview of…well, everything! Lots of information on lots of topics.

NEMA – Everyone’s favorite museum association has a blog! Only a few posts so far, but it promises to be a useful and interesting reading venue.

American Enterprise – This is a blog and a participatory experiment. The National Museum of American History is writing about its research process for a big new exhibit while inviting visitor comments on shaping that exhibit. Should be interesting to see how it goes!

Museum Audience Insight – We already knew these guys were fantastic – Susie Wilkening has been generous about sharing her time and brilliance with classes at Tufts for some time now. This blog is a cut above. They’re doing important, useful research about issues that matter to museums, and they’re sharing it with us!