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Tag: yeps (Page 2 of 3)

NEMA 2012 Workshops

The New England Museum Association has published their 2012 schedule of workshops. Take a look especially at the three workshops offered for young & emerging professionals; I attended all three last year, and really enjoyed them.

NEMA’s spring/summer workshop series is a popular source of professional development, providing you with in-depth learning opportunities that enhance your skill set and museum career.

For 2012, we’re offering 18 workshops throughout New England – more than ever! And to make them more affordable than ever, NEMA has created a special volume discount for members only.

Sign up for at least three workshops and you’ll receive a 20% discount off the member rate. And NEMA institutional members who send at least five employees or trustees to workshops also receive a 20% discount.

To take advantage of the discount, first browse the workshop listings below. Then click HERE if you’re an individual registering just yourself or HERE if you’re an institutional member registering multiple people.

I Do, I Don’t:  Functions at Historic Sites
Friday, March 16, 2012
Peabody Historical Society, Smith Barn
Peabody, MA
Historic Sites Management PAG

Museum Evaluation You Can Use
Monday, April 23, 2012
Springfield Museums
Springfield, MA
Children’s Museums PAG

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Worcester Art Museum
Worcester, MA
Independent Museum Professionals PAG

Outdoor Exhibitions
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Heritage Museums and Gardens
Sandwich, MA
Exhibtions PAG

Building Support: From the Inside Out
Friday, May 18, 2012
Museum of Russian Icons
Clinton, MA
Membership, Development, Public Relations, and Marketing PAG

Management Skills for Non-Managers
Friday, May 25, 2012
Connecticut Historical Society
Hartford, CT
Supported in part by the Connecticut Humanities Council
Administration, Facilities & Services PAG

Hidden in Plain Sight: Examining Art from Alligatoring to X-Rays
Friday, June 8, 2012
Smith College Museum of Art
Northampton, MA
Conservators PAG

Teaching Among Experts: Redefining Museum Education in Academia
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage
Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, Brown University
Providence, RI
College & University Museums PAG

Exhibits for the Small and Medium Sized Museums
Monday, September 17, 2012
Historic New England’s Collections Store Facility
Haverhill MA
Presented in partnership with Historic New England

Learn, Laugh, Love: Part II
A series of mini-workshops* from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Presented by the Young and Emerging Museum Professionals (YEP) PAG
* Each mini-workshop is $15 for NEMA Members, $25 for Non-Members. Members can register for all three mini-workshops for $40.
LEARN: To Museum Studies or not to Museum Studies? Considering Grad School and Your Career Goals
Wednesday, March 28
Metropolitan Waterworks Museum, Chestnut Hill, MA
LAUGH: From the Trenches: 10 Things I Wish I Had Not Learned the Hard Way
Thursday, April 12
Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the Boston Public Library, Boston, MA
LOVE: I Love My Job, But… Raises, Transitioning, and Advocating for More Responsibility
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tufts University Art Gallery at the Aidekman Arts Center, Medford, MA

NEMA YEP Workshop Call for Proposals

Young and Emerging Museum Professionals

PAG Workshop Series:

Learn, Laugh, Love II
The NEMA Young and Emerging Museum Professionals (YEPs) PAG understands that new and emerging museum professionals have limited budgets to attend workshops, and frequently are unable to miss work for professional development and/or networking events. To break down these barriers faced by those with less than ten years in the field, and those who wish to network with new and emerging professionals, the YEP PAG Chairs have planned a series of workshops that break the mold. Learn, Laugh, Love brings together numerous individuals from various professional positions and levels of seniority, both of local and national stature, to encourage those who are just entering the field, especially career changers, students, and those who are seeking to further their current position, in three informal learning situations, where networking at peer to peer and peer to mentor level are key components.

LAUGH call to participants:

Do you have three or more years of experience in museums (but, maybe you’re not quite a mid-career professional)?  Do you feel you have lessons that you’ve learned (unfortunately) the hard way that you would like to share with emerging museum professionals?  Do you want to build your resume and help others by being a panelist?  Draft your ‘top ten lessons’ and email them to Kate at kate@revitalizinghistoricsites.com by Friday, February 10th.  Panelist will be selected based on their experiences, and what they have to share with others in the field.

LAUGH: From the Trenches: 10 Things I Wish I Had Not Learned the Hard Way

Thursday, April 12, 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the Boston Public Library
700 Boylston Street, Boston, MA


The wisdom of crowds is great, but how about learning from individuals who learned the hard way?  This workshop will bring together a group of more experienced young and emerging museum professionals who will share the biggest lessons they have learned on the job thus far.  Each panelist will cover ten lessons they have learned the hard way, from how to approach new problems, to discussing issues with Directors, how to work with difficult Board members and more.  Ample time will be provided to ask these not-quite emerging, not-quite mid-career professions questions you have about the field.  Amusement and laughter are also on the agenda, as learned lessons, despite the pain they may have brought on at the time, are entertaining in retrospect!

NEMA YEP Birthday Party

The New England Museum Association’s Young Emerging Professionals Professional Affinity Group (that’s NEMA’s YEP PAG, if you prefer acronyms) is turning one year old this fall. To celebrate, they’re having a book club session, some fabulous speakers, and cupcakes. Sound awesome? Read on.

Book Club Second Meeting and YEPs Birthday Party

When: Wednesday, November 9, 6:30 pm

Where: Waterworks Museum, 2450 Beacon Street, Boston, MA

Who: All museum professionals interested in reading and discussing the book and article of choice.
Books are chosen through in-person event voting and online voting via the YEPs Facebook page.

Book and Article: Do Museums Still Need Objects? by Steven Conn, and “Do History Museums Still Need Objects?” by Rainey Tisdale

Featured Speaker: Rainey Tisdale

Format: Book Discussion with featured speaker Rainey Tisdale, Professional Affinity Group (PAG) Birthday Cupcakes, Optional Self-Guided Tour of the Waterworks Museum, After Event Networking (location to be determined…please share your ideas!)

Join the NEMA YEPs for their second book club meeting on Wednesday, November 9, at 6:30 pm at the new Waterworks Museum in Boston! Hear from Rainey Tisdale, author of “Do History Museums Still Need Objects?” and discuss Steven Conn’s Do Museums Still Need Objects? The YEP PAG is also celebrating its one year birthday…and yes, there will be CUPCAKES!

From Amazon.com on Do Museum Still Need Objects?: “Steven Conn offers a refreshing look at museums and many of the debates surrounding their development and practices over the past forty years. He is right to frame his inquiry by asking if museums still need objects. Too often these debates have ignored the very characteristic that defines museums and distinguishes them from all other cultural institutions: they collect, preserve, and present things. This is an important, timely book.”
—James Cuno, President and Director, Art Institute of Chicago

Rainey’s statement on her article for the American Association for State and Local History’s History News: “My article uses Steven Conn’s recent book Do Museums Still Need Objects?, as a jumping-off point for considering seven major issues currently confronting history museums and historic sites as they seek to make their collections meaningful, relevant, and accessible for a general audience. I raise a lot of complicated questions in this piece, and my goal was to stimulate dialogue across the field so we can answer them together.”

To download Rainey Tisdale’s article, and find links for sites featured in the article, please visit http://aaslhcommunity.org/historynews/history-museums-objects/
For more on the Waterworks Museum, please visit www.waterworks.org

NEMA YEP Workshops

This week’s professional organization information is about some very useful and specifically targeted workshops for young and emerging museum professionals. We’ve talked about them before, but the first one, called “LEARN,” is coming up soon and you don’t want to miss it. Information below.


The NEMA Young and Emerging Museum Professionals (YEPs) PAG understands that new and emerging museum professionals have limited budgets to attend workshops, and frequently are unable to miss work for professional development and/or networking events. To break down these barriers faced by those with less than ten years in the field, and those who wish to network with new and emerging professionals, the YEP PAG Chairs have planned a series of workshops that break the mold. Learn, Laugh, Love brings together numerous individuals from various professional positions and levels of seniority, both of local and national stature, to encourage those who are just entering the field, especially career changers, students, and those who are seeking to further their current position, in three informal learning situations, where networking at peer to peer and peer to mentor level are key components. Register for all three and save!

All workshops will be held at Historic New England’s Otis House Auditorium.

Each workshop includes light refreshments and is $15 for NEMA and Historic New England Members, $25 for Non-Members.
Members can register for all three workshops for only $40, a savings of $5!
NEMA memberships start at $35 (students/job-hunters/volunteers). Non-members registering for all 3 workshops
LEARN: How to Interview “Big Wig” Speed Dating Style (March 23, 2011)
There’s no better way to learn but trial and error. Using the speed dating format, participants will have the opportunity to “interview” with seasoned museum professionals, including Directors, Curators, Educators, Board of Trustee members, and other senior ranking individuals. Each seasoned professional will be armed with a mixture of “favorite” interview questions collected from those who hire in the museum field; workshop participants will rotate between professionals, thus opening the door to meet and learn from those who have immense advice to share on the interviewing process, making the best first impression, and creating a lasting mark with interviewers that leads to a new position.

LAUGH: How to Break into a Tricky Field in a Tough Economy (April 20, 2011)
Sometimes laughter is the best medicine, but how does an emerging museum professional break into a tricky field when museums are facing budget cuts and staff reductions? What does a museum want from a new hire? What skills are needed to be successful in the museum field in 2011? Should you go back to school, attend workshops, and learn how to post to Facebook? When is a job a great fit, and when should you run away if it isn’t perfect? These questions and more will be discussed, with an emphasis on making your current skills and abilities appealing to employers. Hear stories from seasoned professionals on starting off in the field, surviving layoffs, and transitioning to new positions. Translating job descriptions into inspiring cover letters and highlighting key resume accomplishments will also be discussed.

LOVE: How to Build Your Resume through Internships, Articles, Conferences, and Presentations (May 11, 2011)
Climbing the museum ladder is definitely labor intensive, but it is a labor of love. Learn how to build your resume by gaining experience beyond traditional nine to five positions. Publishing, presenting, and volunteering are ways to uncover unknown or new museum positions, make contacts, and build a strong resume (and a strong museum professional!). Discover the strategic steps you can take to make yourself more appealing to future employers, and find the best route to positioning yourself for promotions and opportunities throughout the field.

Directions to the Otis House will be emailed with your registration confirmation two weeks prior to the workshop.

Questions? Call NEMA, 781-641-0013.

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