Learning Resources

Here is a list of some links we recommend to new researchers in our group (both undergrad and graduate students) to get up to speed on key concepts and tools.

Neutrino 101: Some links to articles written for the general audience

Foundations: Particle Physics

“Introduction to Elementary Particles” by David Griffiths. The introduction and Chapter 1. (If you cannot get a copy of the book from the library, you may find copies on the web.)

Foundations: Coding
Students don’t need extensive code experience to do work with us. However, some foundational principles in coding are important.
For Tufts students, you have access to Tufts’ Udemy Business subscription. One resource for students new to programming is the following:
Your goal should be to feel comfortable with the materials in Days 1-14.

Other relevant materials:
– Day 24: Files, Directories, and Paths
– Day 25: Working with CSV and Pandas
– Day 76: Numpy
– Day 75: Visualization with plotly
– Day 77: Linear Regression

ROOT Basics by ACU
Introduces basics of ROOT and working within a Unix terminal/text editor.

Stanford Lectures on Convolutional Neural Networks
Introduces the basics of machine learning and convolutional neural networks.