RIDGE Partnership Announces 2023 Grant Awards.
With support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Research Innovation and Development Grants in Economics (RIDGE) Partnership seeks to support innovative economic research on domestic nutrition assistance programs and to broaden a network of researchers applying their expertise to USDA topics. For the 2023 cycle, the program announces eight research grant awards, reflecting a wide range of nutrition assistance program topics.
Five grants are for standard research projects (up to $75,000 each):
- Dr. Christopher E. Anderson. Evaluating Associations of WIC Food Benefit
Redemption with Child Dietary Intake and Continued WIC Participation. Public Health Foundation Enterprises. Area of focus: WIC. - Dr. Wenhui Feng. Did Pandemic-EBT Benefits Improve Dietary Quality? Tufts
University School of Medicine. Area of focus: School meals. - Dr. Sarah Hamersma. How Does SNAP Access Prior to Pregnancy Affect Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes? Syracuse University School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. Area of focus: SNAP.
- Dr. Susan L. Matias Medrano. Maternal WIC Participation During Pregnancy and
Gestational Weight Gain. University of California, Berkeley Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology. Area of focus: WIC. - Dr. Jesse Rothstein. Student Access to SNAP Benefits During the Transition to
College. University of California, Berkeley School of Public Policy. Area of focus: SNAP.
Three grants are for dissertation research (up to $25,000 each):
- Katherine Engel. PhD Candidate. The Effect of SNAP Benefit Distribution on Subjective Well-Being. American University. Area of focus: SNAP.
- William Clay Fannin. PhD Candidate. Exploring the Effects of SNAP Certification Interview Waivers on Program Participation Outcomes. Syracuse University. Area of focus: SNAP.
- Erik James. PhD Candidate. Human Discretion in the SNAP Program: How Discretion Affects Case Outcomes and Modifies the Impacts of Interview and Recertification Waivers. University of Pennsylvania. Area of focus: SNAP.
All proposals were reviewed independently by an external expert review committee that assessed the proposal significance, quality of the research methods and data, and policy relevance. Additional consideration was given to the mix of topics and USDA research priority areas. Award decisions were based on the expert reviews and input from USDA’s Economic Research Service. Project summaries and additional information about the program will be available online at ridge.nutrition.tufts.edu.
Research funding available for 2023
December 2022: the RIDGE Partnership released a request for grant proposals on December 1, with proposals due January 30, 2023. Grants will be awarded up to a maximum of $75,000 and 18 months in duration. Webinars for applicants will be held on December 9th and January 9th.
For announcements pertaining to 2021 and before, please refer to our archives page.