Congratulations: Karkhana in the News

We’re so excited to see that Pavitra Gautam, co-founder and CEO of Karkhana has been honored in the 360 Business Nepal’s annual list of “100 People to Watch” in the field of education. We’re proud to be working closely with the educators at Karkhana to co-develop meaningful engineering and robotics experiences for students. Here’s what they had to say about Gautam and Karkhana:

Opting for a process that is outside the box of conventional learning, Karkhana is an institute that believes in applying the skills that pupils learn in the classroom to the real world. Karkhana strives to bring the world of science and technology into the lives of children. A hub for innovation, Karkhana throws out the typical Nepali norm of students mugging up what they learn in the classroom in exchange for having these very kids learn hands on how science and technology can be applied into their lives and community. As of now, the Karkhana team offers three unique curricular as well as co-curricular courses that dive into teaching science, computing and manufacturing/ making.Targeting children from grades as low as three to ninth graders, Karkhana has been delivering something that conventional education has failed to achieve. Ever since their inception in 2012, the institute have remained firm believers in tactile learning, and the minds behind Karkhana work to inculcate in the next generation of Nepalis what they refer to as the four C’s of learning: Critical thinking, Collaboration, Communication and Creativity. Not only does Karkhana through its courses provide a more methodical approach to STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math), it also builds youths to become leaders, team players, and innovators who are capable of turning a project into a product. Believing in sharing beyond to catalyse change and innovation, Karkhana recently went regional and launched Karkhana.Asia taking their products and services beyond Nepal.

– Business 360

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