Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO) invites applications for a joint full-time postdoctoral scholar to work on studying undergraduate teaching and learning. The initial appointment is for the academic year 2021-2022, with possibility for additional years of renewal.
The position will be part of a project that is exploring how to create resources and tools to support student-centered, hands-on engineering and robotics learning in Rwanda, Brazil, and Kenya. Leveraging ideas from learning through play, makerspaces, and engineering education, the Tufts team is working collaboratively with country-based partners to co-design hands-on materials, teacher professional development, and educational activities focused on the primary/elementary years. Together with partners at each of the sites, our collaborative design process will jointly explore different dimensions of play, making, and engineering in classrooms. Taking an asset-based approach, our co-designs will work to amplify local funds of knowledge and repertoires of practice in classroom practice. The network of researchers and local educational partners provides opportunities to explore collaborations at a distance and models of research partnership that can expand our understandings of how play, making, and engineering enrich classroom learning.
The postdoctoral scholar will be a key member of the team with significant research responsibilities as well as project management and mentoring duties. The scholar will be helping to develop resources, be responsible for collecting and studying data, be participating in analysis and discussion of data, and be taking lead and supportive roles in the production of publications and dissemination materials as well as development of proposals to extend research. Travel to the partner countries is anticipated when restrictions are lifted. The position will be mentored by Dr. Brian Gravel from the Department of Education and by Dr. Merredith Portsmore at Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach.
The position requires a PhD and experience in qualitative research. Applications are encouraged from those with backgrounds in K-12 STEM education, particularly in the primary/elementary years (ages 5-12). Experience in the focal countries (Rwanda, Brazil, Kenya) or supportive language skills for working in those countries is highly desired. Any expertise in studying responsive teaching or teacher noticing, design or facilitation of teacher professional development, learning through play-based approaches, engineering education or makerspace work, should be highlighted on the letter of application.
Please submit a letter of application, including descriptions of your background and research interests, a CV, and the names of three references to ceeojob@tuftsceeo.org. Questions about the position or application process can be directed to CEEO Director, Merredith Portsmore (Merredith.Portmore@tufts.edu).
We work to hire a diverse team at Tufts CEEO and are actively seeking applicants who are under-represented in higher education. We encourage people of all backgrounds to apply. We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or other characteristics.
Tufts CEEO is also a certified green office and functions in an environmentally friendly manner in accordance with green office policy and procedures.