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September 2024: Nicole Mason, LMSW, has joined the PAW Lab as our newest PhD student. Welcome Nicole!
June 2024: Megan Mueller and Erin King represent the PAW Lab at ISAZ 2024 in beautiful Gloucestershire, England!
June 2024: In her role as an advisory board member, Dr. Mueller participated in a series of site visits for the Massachusetts Outpatient Services with Nature and Human Animal Interactions (MOSHNA) initiative through the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
March 2023: Erin King, M.S., successfully passed her Doctoral Qualifying Exam. Congratulations, Erin!
July 2022: Dr. Mueller received the Early Career Award from the International Society for Anthrozoology.
June 2021: PhD student Erin King is the recipient of the Martha Bryant Abstract Award for her presentation “Inequities in Access to Veterinary Care” at the International Society for Anthrozoology