AASHE June 2013 Webinar: Taking Action to Mitigate Climate Change on Campus and Beyond (Free)
June 25, 2013 at 2 p.m. Eastern
“Scientific instruments showed that the gas had reached an average daily level above 400 parts per million — just an odometer moment in one sense, but also a sobering reminder that decades of efforts to bring human-produced emissions under control are faltering.” – New York Times
Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have passed a milestone. While these numbers and their implications may seem daunting, many college campuses and other organizations are taking action to mitigate climate change. Through education and awareness, it is these groups that are impacting how future generations are living in order to secure a sustainable future for all.
Join this webinar to learn how to make positive change towards climate change mitigation on your campus and in your community by learning from best practices. Climate neutral campuses Colby College and the University of Minnesota, Morris will share their stories as well as lend helpful advice to those institutions working toward the same goal. Clean Air-Cool Planet will share its work with campuses and communities to reduce carbon emissions and plan for climate change. The Energy Action Coalition will share its experience with more than 50 youth-led led environmental and social groups working together to mitigate climate change on the local and national level in North America.
Presenters during this webinar include:
Jillian Buckholz, Senior Programs Coordinator, AASHE
Jennifer Andrews, Acting Executive Director, Clean Air-Cool Planet
Kevin Bright, Sustainability Coordinator, Colby College
Maura Cowley, Executive Director, Energy Action Coalition
Troy Goodnough, Sustainability Coordinator, University of Minnesota, Morris
Pat Whitney, Director of the Physical Plant, Colby College
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