The BU Arts Initiative, sustainability@BU, and the Dean of Students cordially invite you to
And VIP cocktail reception
Exploring nature, humanity, and the paths that lie before us through art and science
The mandate for great and difficult achievement is manifest in the message coming from the science of sustainability and climate change. Yet information alone will not take us where we need to go; science needs the arts to compel a response. It is the synergy of these two great human enterprises that creates both intellectual and emotional clarity. Crossroads takes an audience from intellectual understanding, to visceral experience, to personal resolve.
The Crossroads Project is
Dr. Robert Davies – physicist
and the Fry Street Quartet
6:45 pm – VIP Cocktail reception in Room 132 of the College of Arts and Sciences. (Enter via the Tsai Performance Center)
7:30 pm – Presentation and community conversation
at the Tsai Performance Center
685 Commonwealth Ave Boston, MA
Please RSVP to BU Arts Initiative by Monday, April 8, 2013.
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