Wobble paper is out!

Cassandra Donatelli’s paper on twisting motions in elongate fishes is published in the Journal of Experimental Biology.  You can find it here http://jeb.biologists.org/content/220/20/3632

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Edge cell paper

The paper characterizing the properties of lampreys’ edge cells, which sense how their bodies move, is out!  http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00359-017-1196-2

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SICB regional meeting

We’re hosting the 2016 Northeast Regional SICB meeting on Nov 12.  See SICB DVM/DCB regional meeting for more details!

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Cassandra Donatelli receives Wainwright fellowship

Graduate student Cassandra Donatelli has received a Wainwright Fellowship from the University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories.  She’ll be going to Friday Harbor this summer to continue her studies of twisting in elongate fishes.

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Nicole Danos is moving

Congratulations to postdoctoral researcher Nicole Danos, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position at the University of San Diego.  She’ll be starting in the fall!

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We’re going to SICB!

The Tytell lab will be at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting in Portland, OR, in early January.  We’ve got 7 presentations!

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New publication in the Journal of Theoretical Biology

Christina Hamlet, one of our collaborators at Tulane University, has a new paper in the Journal of Theoretical Biology. She simulated a lamprey-like swimmer with different types of muscle nonlinearities, and found that the force-velocity relationship has a large effect on the overall energetic cost of transport.

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Jerry Mekdara wins a GREAT fellowship

Congratulations to Jerry Mekdara, a graduate student in the lab.  He will have a fellowship with the Graduate Research Excellence at Tufts (GREAT) program this summer.

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Cassandra Donatelli wins the Stephen and Ruth Wainwright Fellowship

Congratulations to Cassandra Donatelli, a graduate student in the lab. She received the Stephen and Ruth Wainwright Endowed Fellowship to spend the summer at the Friday Harbor Laboratories of the University of Washington. She’ll be studying how fish bodies twist as they swim.

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New publication in the Journal of Experimental Biology

Anabela Maia’s study on how fish handle streetwise vortices is just out in the Journal of Experimental Biology.  Maia was a postdoctoral researcher in the lab, and is now at Eastern Illinois University.

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