Financial Biographies of Refugees in Mexico

By: Kim Wilson et al. This collection of profiles from Mexico explores stories that highlight refugee and migrant journeys and their

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Supporting the Financial Health of Refugees: The Finance in Displacement (FIND) Study in Uganda and Mexico

By Karen Jacobsen and Kim Wilson One of the biggest challenges facing refugees and migrants is navigating the livelihoods and

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The Darien Gap

In this video by the PBS NewsHour, PBS correspondent Nadja Drost and videographer Bruno Federico accompany migrants on the perilous journey through the Darien Gap. The 66-mile jungle tests the mental and physical strength of all who dare to cross it, wounding many and entrapping others never to be seen again.

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Financial Journeys

This video sheds light on how refugees and migrants finance their journeys and how they manage their money while en route. The information draws on Fletcher research in Latin America, the Mediterranean and the Middle East and Africa.

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