Project Workflow


  1. Annotate a person mentioned in the Smith’s entry with the Stable Identifier for that person
    1. Highlight a person name to initiate an annotation.
    2. Locate the stable id of the person resource and add it to the annotation
    3. add keywords:
      1. person to identify this as a person annotation
      2. PSN to identify the annotation was created for “Perseids Social Network”.
    4. Set annotation to public.
    5. Save
  2. Annotate the relationship the main subject of the Smith’s entry to a person mentioned in the text
    1. Highlight a person name to initiate an annotation.
    2. Add the relationship keyword as the body of the annotation
      1. NOTE that you are describing the relationship of the main subject to the highlighted person so be sure to use the term that describes the relationship in that order. For example if the text describes someone as “the grandfather of” the subject of the Smith entry, you would enter the relation as “granddaughter” or “grandson” example: If you are annotating the Smith entry on Athena, the relationship annotation with Zeus would have the keyword “daugther”
    3. add keywords:
      1. relation to identify this as a relation annotation
      2. PSN to identify the annotation was created for “Perseids Social Network”.
      3. Save
  3. Annotate the bibliographic reference as an attestation of the relationship annotated in (3)
    1. Highlight the text indicating the relationship (e.g. “was the son of”)
    2. Locate the Stable CTS URN identifier for the bibliographic reference and add it to the annotation. In most cases, you can simply click on the linked reference to Perseus, open it in a new tab, and find the Citation URI in the righ-hand column of the Perseus display
    3. Locate the URI for the relationship annotation created in (3) and add it to the annotation (on a new line)
    4. Add keywords:
      1. attestationOf to identify this as an attestation annotation
      2. PSN to identify the annotation was created for “Perseids Social Network”.
    5. Save
  4. Annotate other characterizations of a person
    1. Highlight the text indicating the person name
    2. On Perseus, use the top right hand corner search box to search for your mythological figure’s name. Beware of homonyms! Many figures share the same name in ancient mythology. Example: A search for Glaucus (in a case where you mean to search for the son of Sisyphus) returns entries on Glaucus of Carystus and Glaucus’ exchange with Diomedes in the Iliad. Also returns a passage of Strabo, 9.2.24 describing how Glaucus of Potniae (the son of Sisyphus) was torn up by his own mares. Since this passage describes the figure you are looking for, select the Greek word that corresponds to “torn up” (διασπασθέντα) as a characterization.
    3. Locate the Stable CTS URN identifier for the characterization reference (in this example the CTS URN for the Strabo text) and add it to the annotation
    4. Copy the Citation URI from the Perseus page on which you found the text. E.g.
    5. Append the actual text you want to reference, separating with an @. E.g. to pieces
  1. copy this full URI into the body of the annotation

4) put the the source text in focus

5) Copy the Citation URI of the source text


6) find the Greek (or Latin) text you want to reference, appending it to the URI separating with an @


  1. Add keywords:
    1. characterizationOf to identify this as an characterization annotation
    2. PSN to identify the annotation was created for “Perseids Social Network”.
    3. Save

You can see an example of a characterization annotation here:

  1. Annotate place names
    1. Highlight the text indicating the place name
    2. Locate the Stable identifier for the place name add it to the annotation
    3. Add keywords:
      1. place to identify this as a place annotation
      2. PSN to identify the annotation was created for “Perseids Social Network”.
  2. Load the annotation ids into a Google spreadsheet to be imported into Perseids.