Instructions for Annotating Quotation Sources in Athenaeus

  1. In the drop-down on the home page, select in this order “pilots”, “Athenaeus”, “Deipnosophistae”, “Deipnosophistae (Kaibel)”
  2. click EMEND
  3. On the screen that comes up, click the Select Passage link under Transcription Text
  4. On the next screen, Enter a starting book and chapter (e.g 1 1)
  5. click Retrieve
  6. On the next screen, Click Annotate and you should be brought to the annotation interface
  7. Click show/hide textual resources
  8. Click Quotation Sources
  9. Select Homeric Poems, Iliad, Iliad-perseus grc1and enter a starting and ending book/line
  10. Click Request Resource
  11. Highlight the quotation in the Atheaneus text by clicking and dragging the mouse over the text. When you release the mouse, the text should remain highlighted and the rightmost part of the URI for Target in the input area above the text should be automatically updated with the coordinates of the text you selected (e.g. …@startword[1]-endword[1]).
  12. Highlight the text from Homer that corresponds to the selection in Athenaeus by repeating the above procedure on the right side of the screen with the Homeric text.
  13. Choose a relationship from the dropdown below the Athenaeus text
  14. Click Save
  15. Click New Annotation to create a new annotation with the same source and target text

(see also: