

Demo Publications

Treebank Publications

  • The Ancient Greek and Latin Dependency Treebank (AGLDT) is the earliest treebank for Ancient Greek and Latin. The project started at Tufts University in 2006 and is currently under development and maintenance at Leipzig University-Tufts University. Data and documentation are made freely available on GitHub. The current release is v. 2.1.
  • J.M.Harrington Published Trees. The treebanked textual commentaries available through this portal are the ongoing publication of collaborative work beginning in fall of 2011 with students at Tufts University ranging from those in the 3rd semester to those in the most advanced graduate seminars in Latin.
  • Vanessa Gorman from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has been working with Perseids and Arethusa since the beginning. Collected here on this gituhb repo are of the Dependency treebanks she has produced as a part of her ongoing researc

Project Publications
