Welcome to Timko Lab at Tufts BME!

We are a team of Tufts scientists and engineers with an emphasis on developing new classes of bioelectronic systems, including hybrid tissues that seamlessly integrate living and solid-state components. We are specifically interested in nanomaterials, and how they can be designed with unique electrical, optical or magnetic properties that could be exploited within biological contexts. We are a member of the highly interdisciplinary Tufts BME community, drawing our expertise from a wide range of disciplines including chemistry, physics, biology and materials science, as well as many areas of engineering.

News and Highlights

April 2024 – Congratulations to Timko Lab member Justin Wang E’24 for passing his Honors Thesis defense with Highest Honors!

March 2024 – Congratulations to Timko Lab member Justin Wang E’24 for winning the Tufts Class of 1947 Victor Prather Prize! The award recognizes “excellence in scientific research, enthusiasm for the pursuit of knowledge, and a dedication to scholarly achievement.”

March 2024 – Our paper on micromagnetic stimulation is out in Device! Thanks to Tufts SoE for highlighting our work.

February 2024 – We had a great lab dinner at Semolina Restaurant!

January 2024 – Welcome to new Timko lab undergraduate members Nadia La E25, Julian Han E25 and Amanda Lee E26!

September 2023 – Thanks to The Tufts Daily for reporting on our efforts to study neuroscience and promote STEM diversity.

October 2023 – Timko Lab members Justin Wang E24 and Dr. Corey Fucetola presented their work, “Nanowires on the Frits” at the 2023 BMES Annual Meeting.

July 2023 – The Timko Lab just received an NSF CAREER Award and AHA Transformational Project Award to study bioelectronic brain and heart tissues! Thanks to the School of Engineering for highlighting our work.