Exploring Ornithology and Classics through D'Arcy Thompson's Glossary of Greek Birds


D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson, life and works

A Glossary of Greek Birds, First Edition

Listen to a recent BBC podcast about the lasting influence of D’Arcy Thompson’s work “On Growth and Form”

Listen to a contemporary album inspired by Thompson’s “On Growth and Form”:

Tufts biologist Mimi Kao studies the songs of zebra finches to understand how the brain retains new skills and information



  1. Robert Consoli

    I’m very interested in your research. Particularly as it may be applied to geographic regions. Is the full .xml for Thompson’s Birds actually available for researchers? Thank you!

    • Marie-Claire Beaulieu

      Thank you very much for your interest in our research! We are working on the xml dataset and will release it here and on Github as soon as possible!

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