Virtual Resources

Sketchbook: Drawing in Madrid
New art course offered by Tufts in Madrid for Spring 2021 open to all undergraduate and graduate students. Instructed in English, students will learn from our Tufts in Madrid Professor, Pepa Santamaria. SIS:DRW 191-02
Link: YouTube (Tufts in Madrid Courses playlist)

SMFA Exhibition
Interconnection: (Kiana Ruth Beckmen, Andrew Cain, Guodong Fu, Noor Chadha, Zuofu Wang, Flor Delgadillo, and Camila Sanchez-Longo)
Open: Monday, November 9 – Friday, November 13 
Curated by Yael Pesso and Priya Dave
YouTube link:

Tufts Graduate Student Council Presents: Little steps for mental health
Please share your little step for mental health! All tips will be anonymously shared on our social media. Your tip may help other grad students to feel better. Let’s share our own experiences to overcome the feeling of isolation and foster our Jumbo community! 7:06

International Movie List
Want to make a day with family/friends/roommates binging all kinds of international cinematography? Celebrate our uniqueness! Turn your living room into an international theater, watching your community’s favorite international movies! But first, we need your help. Share your favorite international movies with the rest of Tufts through this link! Go to this IMDb list to see what your peers have recommended for you! The movies are available with English subtitles from some of the most popular platforms, such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney+, YouTube etc. Enjoy!”
If you have any questions, please email

SMFA Exhibition
Title: The Revolution Must Now Be Televised

2020 Presidential Elections
The Tufts Votes 2020 website provides links to key tools for helping them cast their ballot, insights, and commentary from Tufts experts, and events featuring leaders from all areas of political life. Get informed, get involved, and vote!
Go to the website: