The EnLIGHTening Quilt

article by Fay Shaw, Post Doctoral Research Associate work by Kathleen Robinson and Amanda Strawhacker In the Spring 2018 semester, students in the Child Development course, Children & New Technology (CD114), collaboratively created a quilt for the Eliot-Pearson Early Childhood…


Maker Games

by Matt Mueller, Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering Hello, my name is Matthew Mueller and I am a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering interested in simplifying interfaces for digital fabrication tools (like 3D printers and CNC machines) and developing ways…



by Sam Woolf, Masters Student in Mechanical Engineering With the support of a CEEO Innovation Grant, we built and tested 1234Cast, a weather forecasting portal that caters to young children. Weather is all around us, and we interact with it on…

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Portable Maker Workshop

by Kristen Wendell, McDonnell Family Professor in Engineering Education I’m pleased to have this chance to tell you about the Portable Maker Workshop, a new tool for classroom engineering design from Pre-K to grade 8. At the Center for Engineering Education…

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3D Printing and Calculus

by Fay Shaw, Postdoctoral Scholar The CEEO is exploring new ways to broaden making to departments outside of engineering.  Jumbo’s Maker Studio teamed up with three Calculus 2 professors, Zac Faubion, James Adler and Sarah Bray to construct an innovative…


CEEO Innovation Fund – RFID

by Brian O'Connell, Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering With the support of the CEEO Innovation Fund, Ph.D. student Brian O’Connell set out to develop a way to understand better and utilize the makerspace resources at Tufts University. With the assistance…