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Democratic Professionals

Democratic Professionals

Definition: Democratic professionals are those who see their work as contributing to a larger public good, but they recognize that to do this they must learn how to be responsive to the concerns, the know-how, and the capabilities of ordinary citizens. Also referred to as “civic professionals,” they co-produce knowledge with communities so that professional […]

Social Capital

Social Capital

Definition: Stocks of social trust, norms, and networks that people can draw upon to solve common problems. These are referred to as “capital,” because like many other forms of capital, they can accumulate and can be drawn upon as an investment for future action. Forms of social capital vary. It is thus important to develop […]

House Select Committee on the Climate Cr...

House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis, Solving the Climate Crisis: The Congressional Action Plan for a Clean Energy Economy and a Healthy, Resilient, and Just America

This has been a major comprehensive legislative package on this topic. Its relevance to community engagement and environmental justice is found in the ways in which environmental and climate justice is embedded in federal government decision making.  This plan supports grant programs to build community capacity and technical assistance. It also seeks to enable community […]

“Environmental Justice for All Act,” H.R

“Environmental Justice for All Act,” H.R. 5986, 116th Congress (2019-2020).

— All federal agencies should provide meaningful involvement to communities (including indigenous and tribal communities), due process in all rulemaking and enforcement, and direct guidance and technical assistance. — The National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) shall be established by the president and remain multi-stakeholder in composition (according to the Federal Advisory Committee Act, FACA). […]

Conservation and Climate Corps

Conservation and Climate Corps

Definition: In the United States, national service has taken a variety of forms, from the Civilian Conservation Corps of the 1930s to AmeriCorps of the 1990s until today. It can also serve as the basis for a new Civilian Climate Corps or the American Climate Corps begun under President Biden. National service has been voluntary […]

Bicycle Association

Bicycle Association

Definition: A nonprofit civic association that advocates for bike improvements in street design and often collaborates with city transportation officials in co-design. Bicycle associations also organize rides, celebrations and other cultural events. Bicycle and pedestrian groups increasingly are part of consolidated associations for transportation alternatives. Fast Facts: League of American Bicyclists were originally known as […]

Watershed Association

Watershed Association

Definition: This is a nonprofit civic association, typically utilizing a holistic and ecological watershed approach, to protect and restore rivers, streams, and larger watersheds, such as a river system or an estuary. These sometimes have other nomenclature, such as watershed alliance and watershed council, which may signify a different structure. Fast Facts: The River Network […]