
Working with ASPCA on Sandy Relief

I was beyond excited when I received the invitation to assist the ASPCA’s Anti-Cruelty behavior team at their emergency boarding facility in Brooklyn, New York for animals displaced by Hurricane Sandy. Pam Reid, VP of the ASPCA’s Anti-Cruelty behavior team remembered me from when I helped out in Joplin, MO and she asked me to come on board again.

Just getting the invitation was exciting enough for me.  I never actually expected to go because it was year-end for CSD and I just got back from being out of the office for a couple of weeks working on the Jumpy Mouthy study so timing wasn’t exactly good for me to be gone for another week.  Not to mention on a personal note – it was right in the middle of the Holiday rush!

As I’ve learned though – timing with these types of things is never perfect – it’s a time where you really feel like you are doing something outside of yourself for those who were directly affected by these horrific natural disasters.  This disaster was named super storm Sandy and from the media, so many people lost their homes and some lost their lives.

The hundreds of dogs and cats that resided in the emergency boarding facility were owned animals.  Animals owned by people who had nowhere to live after their homes were destroyed.  The owners were trying desperately to figure something out so they could bring their pets’ home.

In the meantime, thanks to the ASPCA and their generous donors, they were able to set up this temporary home and with the help of several responders and volunteers this shelter was able to run keeping the animals housed, fed and taken care of.

In setting up a temporary shelter like this one, it takes a mountain of work, but the ASPCA has this running like a well-oiled machine.  It truly is amazing the way they have things set up.

Overall my experience was one I will never forget. From the people I met and spent time with to the animals that I met and cared for, this truly was a one of a kind experience.  Similar to my daily work with CSD, this gave me such a sense of purpose knowing in a very small way I was helping people and animals in need.

– Laney Nee, Behavior Programs Supervisor, Center for Shelter Dogs

(photo courtesy of the ASPCA)