
Fall 2020 classes on energy and the environment.

Class NameClass NumberDescription
Clean Energy EngineeringCEE-0120Consideration of the engineering concepts relevant to past and present decision making in the energy sector. Energy policy, the emergence of energy in the modern world, and its basis in the scientific, industrial and democratic revolutions of the modern age. Focus on offshore wind energy illustrates the convergence of technology, infrastructure, policy and markets in the context of the 21st century challenge of moving to a clean energy economy.
Global Climate ChangeEOS-0051Introduction to Earth’s climate system to better understand causes of present and future climate change. Emphasis placed on processes that control Earth’s modern climate, such as global energy budgets, the behavior of greenhouse gases, and features of global and regional climate systems such as El Nino South Oscillation. Lectures and problem-based classroom exercises. Prerequisite: EOS 1, 2 or 5. May be taken by grad students as EOS 151 with extra assignments.
Corporate Management Environmental IssuesENV-0265(Cross-listed as CEE 265 and UEP 265). Explores companies’ responses to pressure from stockholders, regulatory agencies, community and nongovernmental organizations to exercise greater responsibility toward the environment. Topics include strategy, staffing and organization, decision making, codes of conduct, resources, program development, product responsibility, pollution prevention, trade associations, and foreign operations. Fall.
Environment and Technology ENV-0025 / ES-0025(Cross-listed as ES 25.) The impact and interaction of technology and the environment will be evaluated using historical examples. Environmental problems and their solutions will be evaluated from an engineering viewpoint. This course is a core requirement of the Environmental Studies program. Recommendations: CHEM 1 or 16 and sophomore standing
Environmental Policy, Plan and PoliticsENV-0094Open only to undergraduates, course introduces students to the concepts and techniques central to environmental policy, including the important roles played by politics and planning. Serves as a foundation for further work in Environmental Studies or as a broad overview of the issues key in the field. Structured around four varied case studies involving simulated environmental conflicts, each culminating in a “policy forum” consisting of presentations by student teams who represent specific interests (e.g., environmental advocates, legislators, agencies and corporations). Course also features guest presentations by other faculty from the graduate Department of Urban and Environmental policy and Planning.
Environmental EconomicsEC-0030(Cross-listed as ENV 30.) An examination of the uses and limitations of economic analysis in dealing with many of the environmental concerns of our society. Public policies concerning the environment will be evaluated as to their ability to meet certain economic criteria. Prerequisite: Economics 5 or Economics 8.
Topics in Environmental EconomicsEC-0130Research seminar for students who wish to pursue environmental economics beyond the level of EC 30. Topics may include the design and administration of environmental excise taxes, the theory and practice of benefit-cost analysis, the economics of renewable and exhaustible resources, and the sustainability of economic growth. Prerequisites: Economics 11 and 30, or consent.
Selected Topics: Capstone Applied Env. St majorENV-0196Exploration of special topics of environmental importance through seminars, lectures, or guided study. Recommendations: Permission of instructor and approval of adviser.
Environmental Studies Lecture SeriesENV-0005Tied to the Environmental Studies Lunch and Learn lecture series featuring presentations on environmental topics by speakers from government, industry, academia, and non-profit organizations. Opportunity to broaden knowledge beyond the curriculum, explore career paths, meet other faculty and students, and network with the speakers. Students submit short writings before and after each talk. Detailed information about speakers and a full schedule can be found on the Environment Studies website. Mandatory pass/fail.
Seminar: Marine BiologyBIO-0179Exploration of the primary scientific literature in areas selected by mutual consent. Topics may include symbiotic interactions, migration and dispersal, larval ecology, adult feeding and locomotory biology, responses to pollutants, and physiology of deep-sea animals. Strong focus on developing critical reading skills and effective writing through frequent, short assignments. Recommendations: Junior standing and BIO 164 or permission of instructor.
Environmental ChemistryCEE-0034Basic principles of environmental chemistry related to environmental engineering. Thermodynamics, equilibrium, kinetics, mass balance, chemical partitioning, and reactions for predicting behavior of pollutants in air, water, and soil. Techniques for measuring dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, nutrients, sewage indicator bacteria, airborne particles and hydrocarbons, and other pollutants. Applications to environmental processes. With laboratory. Recommendations: CHEM 2; ES11 or BIO13; CEE 32 or equivalent.
Earth Matters: American Literature and EnvironmentENV-0176 / ENG-176(Crosslisted w/ENG 176) A multicultural American literature course in the environmental humanities. Major themes and topics include climate change, earth-based values, animal rights, and resource equity. Fiction, poetry, prose, and film. Inclusion of authors such as Wendell Berry, Louise Erdrich, Gloria Naylor, Bill McKibben, Rita Wong, Simon Ortiz, Rachel Carson, bell hooks, Linda Hogan.