Registration for ExCollege courses is done online through the Student Information System (SIS) as is registration for all courses in traditional departments. Spring registration opened in November. The last day for students to add classes will be Wednesday, February 1, 2023.
Registration for ExCollege courses is on a first-come, first-served basis, with most classes enrolling a maximum of 20 students. In addition, some classes will have a wait list of up to 5 students. Waitlisted students may attend the first session of your course. You may decide to take waitlisted students if space permits, but it is not required and it is your decision. We will discuss registration in more detail at our Faculty Meetings in December and January.
ExCollege courses should not exceed 25 students without permission of the Director.
Maintaining an accurate record of course enrollment in ExCollege courses can be a challenge because Tufts students are able to add and drop classes online — without notice — during the first two weeks of the semester. Therefore, it is important that you keep a record of attendance for each class meeting and compare it with the official course enrollment from SIS. We will email information on how to access your class roster on SIS prior to you’re the start of classes.
Additionally, it is very important that we hear from you the morning after your first class — regardless of whether attendance was large or small — so that you can tell us about numbers, and we can advise you as to next steps, if need be.
Courses that have an enrollment of fewer than eight students will be subject to review. University policy indicates that such courses may be cancelled, subject to the department’s discretion.