by Micaela

BOOO! Happy Halloween! With Halloween coming THIS Thursday, I could not be more excited. Every year, Halloween is a time where I unleash my creativity to come up with and make my costumes, I spend time with my friends, and I eat an absurd amount of candy. What’s not to love?!?
This year in Urubamba, I am planning to dress up as a mermaid, but my costume is still in progress (I have not begun). For me, Halloween feels different this year. Halloween is the same holiday it has always been, but now I have new friends and a new family here to spend it with. I’ve realized that holidays are not at all about the day or the celebration, but about the people you get to spend them with. I could not feel luckier to have the privilege to spend this holiday with my amazing host family and friends.
It is interesting to see how the anticipation to go out, dress up, and have fun with family and friends extends all the way from the United States to Peru. I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the excitement for Halloween here in Peru, especially among younger kids. My niece (6) can’t wait for us to work on her costume and take her out on Halloween night! Beyond learning that Halloween is also celebrated here, I have also learned that this is a time of 3 back-to-back holidays. First, is Halloween on the 31st. Then, Dia de los Santos on the 1st. Lastly, Dia de los Muertos on the 2nd. Here, these three days of celebration are a time to appreciate life, death, and family.
I’m anxious for the days of celebration to begin, and can’t wait to learn more about Peruvian culture and the differences and similarities with the United States. My host family mentioned many traditions on Dia de los Santos, which I am excited to experience. Some questions that I am currently thinking about are: How is death seen differently in different cultures? Is it common for kids to “Trick or Treat” in Peru? How has globalization impacted the celebration of these holidays in Peru? What are common costumes that people wear in Urubamba? Do most people create their own costumes or buy them? I can’t wait for Thursday to come where I can learn more about these questions and experience my first ever Halloween in another country!
Originally posted here.