Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer


by Abigail, Tufts 1+4 Participant

I want to write about all the women in my life.

About my host family, which is run by women. My host mom who raised five successful children and runs a household independently. Her daughter who works as a doctor in Managua every day, but always comes home to care and cook for her children. Her granddaughter who moved away from home to go to university at age 16, who graduated at the top of her class. Extended aunts, cousins, etc are always stopping by, and they always strike me as so powerful. They have made lives without husbands, fathers, in spite of difficult circumstances and they have learned to thrive. They take education very seriously. They are always caring about how everyone’s doing. Where I’m living right now, the women have created a force, a community, a place where I feel comfortable and empowered as an independent woman.

I want to write about Las Tías. The organization was founded by the most powerful women in the market at the time. Despite the low amount of resources with which they started out, they managed to maintain and grow the program over 26 years. Some of these women still come to the project every day, in addition to a new generation of women who are fighters for their children, for the future. It’s very clear to me that everything they do is 100% for the kids. It’s very clear that these women are working with Las Tías by choice, by way of passion. The women at Las Tías are my friends. They believe. They are strong. They are brave. I made sure to exchange hugs with all the Tías today, and we congratulated each other, because at Las Tías the power of women simply radiates. The girls too, I want to write about the girls. We chatter about boys and Justin Bieber a lot. Some of them like sports, some of them like school, all of them like coloring. No one is patient enough to make friendship bracelets but that’s okay. Every one of them comes looking to learn something. These girls will become wonderful women, I know, and I believe the tools Las Tías provides truly leads them to a bright future.

1I want to write about the other vols. These girls practically hold me up, between long talks, cafe visits, rapid texts, and endless laughs. Isabel, Elaine, Bella, Viola (even though she’s already left), and the girls that I just met, Hannah, Avi, Sophie, Rebecca, Mehnaz, and Isadora. I’ve never known such a badass bunch of chavalas, all unique in their own ways. Between ourselves we have our own little network, which basically just involves loving on each other and telling each other everything’s going to be okay. This has led me to most thoroughly believe in the principle of girls supporting other girls.

img_6122-1I also want to write about the Tufts 1+4 girls, who I only got to know for one week, though it feels like forever. I admire you all, and I love seeing all your great adventures, though they make me so stir crazy and I want to travel all the time to visit you guys. I can’t wait to spend time with you all at Tufts.

I want to write about my best friend at home. The late night drives and hazy teen dreams and childhood nostalgia. My feminist partner in crime. She’s spent her high school focusing on women’s rights. She’s really freaking smart. She’s fearless, steadfast, and unstoppable… I’ve always wished I was a little more like that, like her. I want to write that I think about her all the time. That even if we don’t talk every day she’s still a very important person in my life.

img_4842I want to write about my mom. God, being on a gap year really makes you think about your mom a lot… and my moms pretyyyy cool. I like to tell my mom everything. She likes the same things I like. When I liked Justin Bieber (why does he keep showing up????), so did she. When I liked Daughter, so did she. She says she listens to the Daughter station on Pandora sometimes because it reminds her of me. My mom gets what she wants, she’s a dreamer like me. She isn’t afraid of change which I really admire. She went back to school and changed careers when I was in 7th grade, because she found something new that she loved. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this but I think that was really great. I love you.


img_6837And then there’s my grandparents, my aunts, my teachers, my dance instructors… the list goes on. My life has always been surrounded by powerful women that have shaped me into a powerful woman just the same.

Nostoras somos fuertes y poderosas, somos luchadores. Felicidades a todas las mujeres que siguen siendo gran fuerzas en el mundo. Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer.


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