By Daniela, Tufts 1+4 Participant
It has been nearly seven weeks since I arrived in Madrid, and I am just where I need to be. Madrid moves slowly, but there is not a moment that goes by that is not infused with energy. It is actually a bit confusing at times, because so much is happening but it happens during a long period of time. Madrid breathes slowly, but has a quick heartbeat

I have noticed a similarity in pace at my placement. At the Montoya house, the girls take their time with everything they do. Yet while we may be spending an hour on one activity, that hour is jam packed with little moments that are crucial. The service occurs in those little moments. Those little moments are what transcend the work from simply lending a hand to truly investing. Being at the house for a few hours everyday doesn’t provide much time for activities, but it provides a plethora of precious moments to learn from. It is also important to remember there is work that can be done outside of my time at my placement. For example, I have begun to write down the given circumstances of each girl in the home. Who they are, where they come from, and why they are part of the foundation. This has proven helpful in terms of approaching each girl individually.

Since I have free time during the day, I have spent the past few weeks searching for an additional service opportunity. I cast out a wide net, hoping to find an activity to occupy my mornings, at least a couple of times a week. I am more than thrilled with the results of that search. As of October 17, 2015, I am officially a volunteer with Payasos Sin Fronteras (Clowns Without Borders). Payasos Sin Fronteras is a NGO that uses clowning during crisis situations to soothe the communities that have undergone trauma. Check it out here, (Spanish) or (English). There are twelve different countries that participate in Payasos Sin Fronteras and I am lucky enough to be working in the founding country of the organization! The location specific connection between Spain and Payasos Sin Fronteras is a reminder of the magic of 1+4. I am able to truly take advantage of my time in Madrid in my service and my experiences. I have spent hours in the museums, and streets of Madrid. I have taken detours to Avila, Barcelona, and Segovia. I have seen theatrical performances that are of a caliber I have never known. I am being exposed to the side of my ancestry that I had never experienced. Right here, right now, I am Daniela, I am in Madrid, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. I LOVE TUFTS 1+4!