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In this paper, we outline a cognitive architecture for communicators, called the BIC model. The model consist of three main components. First, a (B)iological component, in which the genetic or built-in capacities of the communicator are specified. Second, an (I)nteraction Engine which uses neo- Gricean mutual simulation to attribute communicative intentions to signals, and to create signals to convey communicative intentions to the I-system of other agents. The third component of the BIC model is a content addressable database of (C)onventions which is used to store form/meaning mappings that have been successfully computed by the I-system. These stored form/meaning mappings are indexed by types of communicative context, so they can be retrieved by the I-system to save computational resources. The model can be used both as a computational architecture for a communication module in an artificial agent and as a conceptual model of the human communicator.