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Research topics in the field of speech-related gesture that have received con-
siderable attention are the function of gesture, its synchronization with
speech, and its semiotic properties. While the findings of these studies often
have interesting implications for theories about the processing of gesture in
the human brain, few studies have addressed this issue in the framework of
information processing.
In this chapter, I will present a general processing architecture for gesture
production. It can be used as a starting point for investigating the processes
and representations involved in gesture and speech. For convenience, I will
use the term ‘model’ when referring to ‘processing architecture’ throughout
this chapter.
Since the use of information-processing models is not believed by every
gesture researcher to be an appropriate way of investigating gesture (see,
e.g., McNeill 1992), I will first argue that information-processing models
are essential theoretical tools for understanding the processing involved in
gesture and speech. I will then proceed to formulate a new model for the
production of gesture and speech, called the Sketch Model. It is an exten-
sion of Levelt’s (1989) model for speech production. The modifications and
additions to Levelt’s model are discussed in detail. At the end of the section,
the working of the Sketch Model is demonstrated, using a number of illus-
trative gesture/speech fragments as examples.
Subsequently, I will compare the Sketch Model with both McNeill’s
(1992) growth-point theory and with the information-processing model by
Krauss, Chen & Gottesman (this volume). While the Sketch Model and the
model by Krauss et al. are formulated within the same framework, they are
based on fundamentally different assumptions. A comparison between the
Sketch Model and growth-point theory is hard to make, since growth-point
theory is not an information-processing theory. Nevertheless, the Sketch
Model and growth-point theory share a number of fundamental assump-