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The tradeoff hypothesis in the speech–gesture relationship claims that (a) when gesturing gets
harder, speakers will rely relatively more on speech, and (b) when speaking gets harder, speakers will
rely relatively more on gestures. We tested the second part of this hypothesis in an experimental col-
laborative referring paradigm where pairs of participants (directors and matchers) identified targets
to each other from an array visible to both of them. We manipulated two factors known to affect the
difficulty of speaking to assess their effects on the gesture rate per 100 words. The first factor, coda-
bility, is the ease with which targets can be described. The second factor, repetition, is whether the
targets are old or new (having been already described once or twice). We also manipulated a third
factor, mutual visibility, because it is known to affect the rate and type of gesture produced. None of
the manipulations systematically affected the gesture rate. Our data are thus mostly inconsistent with
the tradeoff hypothesis. However, the gesture rate was sensitive to concurrent features of referring
expressions, suggesting that gesture parallels aspects of speech. We argue that the redundancy
between speech and gesture is communicatively motivated.