
Gathering for a day of interactive problem solving on November 16, 2016 at The Fletcher School, participants in the “Inclusion, Inc. Unconference” worked together in a pair of workshop sessions to grapple with real world business scenarios. Throughout the day, our “catalysts” helped to focus the discussions and offer their expertise to participants.


  • Bhaskar Chakravorti, Executive Director, Institute for Business in the Global Context, & Senior Associate Dean, International Business & Finance, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
  • Alnoor Ebrahim, Associate Professor of Management, The Fletcher School, Tufts University


  • Shamina Singh, President, MasterCard Center for Inclusive Growth
  • Hui Wen Chan, Vice President, Corporate Sustainability, Citi
  • Sahba Sobhani, Global Program Advisor – Private Sector, UN Development Programme
  • Dave Young, Senior Partner & Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group


With the help of our catalysts, speakers participated in a pair of collaborative brainstorming exercises, aiming to workshop business cases through the SDGs.

Session I: Finding the SDG Leverage Points
During the first session, attendees will divided into six groups. Each developed a framework for achieving the SDGs by creating a model of influence linking them together, approaching the SDGs from the perspective of a business: If business is the key to achieving the SDGs, where do we begin? The full group then reconvened to work together and narrow down the 17 SDGs to a handful of core goals for businesses.

Session II: Taking Action on the SDGs
In the second session, participants were assigned to an industry-specific table depending on their interests and expertise. Each industry working group played the role of a company, identifying key SDGs to address their specific goals. Considering internal, inter-organizational, and institutional catalysts and barriers, groups created the business case for investing in the goals and presented them to the group.

Check out photos from the event