


BFA is a global strategy consulting firm delivering actionable solutions with impactful results that drive broad, sustainable access to financial services. Theyadvise government, financial and payments services providers, and donors on the frontier issues that benefit and challenge their business models, policies, and approaches to promoting and providing financial services: alternative distribution channels, business strategy, consumer insights and marketing, going cash lite, policy and financial regulation, and product development, across the globe.

To learn more about BFA, visit


Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people’s health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to ensure that all people—especially those with the fewest resources—have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Dr. Susan Desmond-Hellmann and Co-chair William H. Gates Sr., under the direction of Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett.

To learn more about the Gates Foundation, visit


Business Fights Poverty is the world’s largest community of professionals passionate about harnessing business for social impact. We connect practitioners to the latest knowledge and peer insights, and to a vibrant community of stakeholders in business, government and civil society – helping them deliver their innovations at scale.

To learn more about the BFP, visit




The Citi Foundation works to promote economic progress in communities around the world and focuses on initiatives that expand financial inclusion. We collaborate with best-in-class partners to create measurable economic improvements that strengthen low-income families and communities. Through a “More than Philanthropy” approach, Citi’s business resources and human capital enhance our philanthropic investments and impact.

To learn more about the Foundation,


The MasterCard Foundation seeks a world where everyone has the opportunity to learn and prosper. All people, no matter their starting point in life, should have an equal chance to succeed. We believe that with access to education, financial services, and skills training, people can have that chance. Our focus is helping economically disadvantaged young people in Sub-Saharan Africa find opportunities to move themselves, their families and their communities out of poverty to a better life.

To learn more about the Foundation, visit


Monitor Institute is a social enterprise that surfaces and spreads best practices in public problem solving and pioneers next practices – breakthrough approaches to addressing social and environmental challenges. We partner with mission-driven organizations and their leaders, helping them make the hard choices and take the necessary actions to reach a new level of impact. Our approach marries our deep grounding in strategy, networks, social innovation and human systems with the fundamentals of professional advisory services – effective project management, skilled facilitation and well-timed intervention.

To learn more about the Institute, visit


The Rockefeller Foundation’s mission—unchanged since 1913—is to promote the well-being of humanity throughout the world. Today, we pursue this mission through dual goals: advancing inclusive economies that expand opportunities for more broadly shared prosperity, and building resilience by helping people, communities and institutions prepare for, withstand, and emerge stronger from acute shocks and chronic stresses. To achieve these goals, we work at the intersection of four focus areas—advance health, revalue ecosystems, secure livelihoods, and transform cities—to address the root causes of emerging challenges and create systemic change. Together with partners and grantees, The Rockefeller Foundation strives to catalyze and scale transformative innovations, create unlikely partnerships that span sectors, and take risks others cannot.

To learn more about the Foundation, visit