Environmental epidemiology
- Riseberg E, Chui K, James KA, Melamed R, Alderete TL, Corlin L. A longitudinal study of exposure to manganese and incidence of metabolic syndrome. Nutrients. 2022.
- Wesselink AK, Wise LA, Hatch EE, Mikkelsen EM, Savitz DA, Kirwa K, Rothman KJ. A Prospective Cohort Study of Seasonal Variation in Spontaneous Abortion. Epidemiology. 2022.
- Anneser E,* Riseberg E,* Brooks YM, Corlin L, Stringer C. Modeling the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater or sludge and COVID-19 cases in three New England regions. Journal of Water and Health. 2022.
- Riseberg E, James KA, Woodin M, Melamed R, Alderete T, Corlin L. Multipollutant, longitudinal analysis of the association between urinary tungsten and incident diabetes in a rural population. Environmental Epidemiology. 2021.
- Kirwa K, Szpiro AA, Sheppard L, Sampson PD, Wang M, Keller JP, Young MT, Kim S-Y, Larson TV. Larson, Kaufman JD. Fine-scale air pollution models for epidemiologic research across the lifespan. Current Environmental Health Reports. 2021.
- Riseberg E, Melamed RD, James KA, Alderete TL, Corlin L. Development and application of an evidence-based directed acyclic graph to evaluate the associations between metal mixtures and cardiometabolic outcomes. Pre-print. 2021.
- Kirwa K, Feric Z, Manjourides J, Alshawabekeh A, Vega CMV, Cordero JF, Meeker JD, Suh HH. Preterm birth and PM2.5 in Puerto Rico: evidence from the PROTECT birth cohort. Environmental Health. 2021.
- Kirwa K, Eckert CM, Vedal S, Hajat A, Kaufman JD. Ambient air pollution and risk of respiratory infection among adults: evidence from the multiethnic study of atherosclerosis (MESA). BMJ Open Respiratory Research. 2021.
- Chew J, Corlin L, Ona F, Pinto S, Fenyi-Baah E, Osei B, Gute D. Water source preferences and water quality perceptions among women in the Eastern Region, Ghana: A grounded theory study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019.
- Corlin L, Lane K, Sunderarajan J, Chui K, Vijayakuman H, Krakoff L, Chandrasekaran A, Thanikachalam S, Brugge D, Thanikachalam M. Urbanization as a risk factor for aortic stiffness in a cohort in India. PLoS ONE. 2018.
- Corlin L, Woodin M, Hart J, Simon M, Gute D, Stowell J, Tucker K, Durant J, Brugge D. Longitudinal associations of long-term exposure to ultrafine particles with blood pressure and systemic inflammation in Puerto Rican adults. BMC Environmental Health. 2018.
- Corlin L, Ball S, Woodin M, Patton A, Lane K, Durant J, Brugge D. Relationship of time-activity-adjusted particle number concentration with blood pressure. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2018.
- Li Y, Lane K, Corlin L, Patton A, Durant J, Thanikachalam M, Woodin M, Wang M, Brugge D. Association of long-term near-highway exposure to ultrafine particles with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2017.
- Brugge D, Simon MC, Hudda N, Zellmer M, Corlin L, Cleland S, Lu EY, Rivera S, Byrne M, Chung M, Durant JL. Lessons from in-home air filtration intervention trials to reduce urban ultrafine particle number concentrations. Building and Environment. 2017.
- Corlin L, Rock T, Cordova J, Woodin M, Durant J, Gute D, Ingram J, Brugge D. Health effects and environmental justice concerns of exposure to uranium in drinking water.
- Corlin L, Woodin M, Newhide D, Brown E, Diaz SV, Chi A, Brugge D. Asthma associations in children attending a Museum of Science. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2013.
Advancing methods
- Lyu Y,* Kirwa K,* Young M, Liu Y, Liu J, Hao S, Li R, Xu D, Kaufman JD. A high-resolution computationally-efficient spatiotemporal model for estimating daily PM2.5 concentrations in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment. 2022.
- Sullivan A, Murray EJ, Corlin L. Academic training of authors publishing in high-impact epidemiology and clinical journal. PLoS ONE. 2022
- Anneser E,* Riseberg E,* Brooks YM, Corlin L, Stringer C. Modeling the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater or sludge and COVID-19 cases in three New England regions. Journal of Water and Health. 2022.
- Gualtieri L, Shaveet E, Kim D. Digital health innovation for older adults through design thinking. Journal of Communication in Healthcare. 2022.
- Barnard-Mayers R, Childs E, Corlin L, Caniglia E, Fox M, Donnelly J, Murray E. Assessing knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards causal directed acyclic graphs among epidemiologists and medical researchers: A qualitative research project. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2021.
- Riseberg E, Melamed RD, James KA, Alderete TL, Corlin L. Development and application of an evidence-based directed acyclic graph to evaluate the associations between metal mixtures and cardiometabolic outcomes. Pre-print. 2021.
- Corlin L, Woodin M, Amaravadi H, Henderson N, Brugge D, Durant J, Gute D. A field study to estimate inhalation rates for use in a particle inhalation rate exposure metric. Science of the Total Environment. 2019.
Mechanisms and trajectories
- Corlin L, Liu C, Lin H, Leone D, Yang Q, Ngo D, Levy D, Cupples LA, Gerszten RE, Larson MG, Vasan RS. Proteomic signatures of lifestyle risk factors for cardiovascular disease: A cross-sectional analysis of the plasma proteome in the Framingham Heart Study. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2021.
- Corlin L, Ruan M, Tsilidis KT, Bouras E, Yu Y, Stolzenberg-Solomon R, Klein AP, Risch HA, Amos CI, Sakoda LC, Vodička P, Pai RK, Beck J, Platz EA, Michaud DS. Two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis of associations between periodontal disease and risk of cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Cancer Spectrum. 2021.
- Corlin L, Short M, Vasan R, Xanthakis V. Association of the duration of ideal cardiovascular health through adulthood with cardiometabolic outcomes and mortality in the Framingham Offspring Study. JAMA Cardiology. 2020.
- Walker M, Song R, Xu X, Gerszten R, Ngo D, Clish C, Corlin L, Ma J, Xanthakis V, Jacques P, Vasan R. Proteomic and metabolomic correlates of healthy dietary patterns: The Framingham Heart Study. Nutrients. 2020.
Justice and equity
- Shaveet E, Urquhart C, Gallegos M, Dammann O, Corlin L. Web-Based Health Information–Seeking Methods and Time Since Provider Engagement: Cross-sectional Study. JMIR Formative Research. 2022.
- Jafry Z, Chui K, Stopka TJ, Corlin L. Residence with a Person Who Used Substances and Childhood Anxiety and Depression: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the 2019 National Health Interview Survey. Children. 2022.
- Acevedo A, Feng W, Corlin L, Allen JD, Levine P, Stopka TJ. Experiences with and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States: A cross-sectional survey, 2020. PLoS ONE. 2022.
- Nguyen KH, Nguyen K,* Mansfield K,* Allen JA, Corlin L. Child and adolescent COVID-19 vaccination status and reasons for non-vaccination by parental vaccination status. Public Health. 2022.
- Nguyen KH, Chen Y,* Huang J,* Allen JD, Beninger P, Corlin L. Who has not been vaccinated, fully vaccinated, or boosted for COVID-19? American Journal of Infection Control. 2022.
- Nguyen KH, Nguyen K, Geddes M, Allen JD, Corlin L. Trends in adolescent COVID-19 vaccination receipt and parental intent to vaccinate their adolescent children, United States, July to October, 2021. Annals of Medicine. 2022.
- Wild LE, Walters M, Powell A, James KA, Corlin L,* Alderete TL.* County-level social vulnerability is positively associated with cardiometabolic disease in Colorado. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022.
- Nguyen KH, Huang J,* Mansfield K,* Corlin L, Allen JD. COVID-19 vaccination coverage, behaviors, and intentions among adults with previous diagnosis, United States. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2022.
- Stopka TJ, Feng W, Corlin L, King E, Mistry J, Mansfield W, Wang Y, Levine P, Allen JD. Assessing equity in health, wealth, and civic engagement: A nationally representative survey, United States, 2020. International Journal for Equity in Health. 2022.
- Porteny T, Corlin L, Allen JD, Monahan K, Acevedo A, Stopka TJ, Levine P, Ladin K. Associations among political voting preference, high-risk health status, and preventative behaviors for COVID-19. BMC Public Health. 2022.
- Nguyen K, Toppo A,* Anneser E,* Allen JD, Parott JS, Corlin L. Disparities in national and state estimates of COVID-19 vaccination receipt and intent to vaccinate by race/ethnicity, income, and age group among adults ≥ 18 years, United States. Vaccine. 2022.
- Nguyen KH, Nguyen K, Corlin L, Allen JD, Chung M. Changes in COVID-19 vaccination receipt and intention to vaccinate by socioeconomic characteristics and geographic area, United States, January 6 – March 29, 2021. Annals of Medicine. 2021.
- Nguyen KH, Nguyen K, Geddes M, Allen JD, Corlin L. Trends in COVID-19 vaccination receipt and intention to vaccinate, United States, April to August, 2021. American Journal of Infection Control. 2021.
- Allen JD, Feng W, Corlin L, Porteny T, Acevedo A, Schildkraut D, King E, Ladin K, Qiang F, Stopka TJ. Why are some people reluctant to be vaccinated for COVID-19? A cross-sectional survey among U.S. adults in May-June. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2021.
- Kirwa K, Feric Z, Manjourides J, Alshawabekeh A, Vega CMV, Cordero JF, Meeker JD, Suh HH. Preterm birth and PM2.5 in Puerto Rico: evidence from the PROTECT birth cohort. Environmental Health. 2021.
- Corlin L, Rock T, Cordova J, Woodin M, Durant J, Gute D, Ingram J, Brugge D. Health effects and environmental justice concerns of exposure to uranium in drinking water. Current Environmental Health Reports. 2016.
- Corlin L, Woodin M, Thanikachalam M, Lowe L, Brugge D. Evidence for the healthy immigrant effect in older Chinese immigrants: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2014.
*Shared authorship position