We use innovative, interdisciplinary methods to assess how realistic mixtures of environmental exposures affect pressing public health problems through mechanisms mediated by biological changes and modified by social inequities.

Currently, LEEFE Lab is investigating how:

  • Air pollutant mixtures affect cardiometabolic disease progression through causal pathways mediated by inflammation and modified by sex
  • Air pollutants affect individuals’ proteome, metabolome, and DNA methylation profile
  • Air pollution and meteorological factors affect COVID-19 transmission and severity , accounting for county- and state-level COVID-19 policies
  • Inequities in exposure to air pollution and other community-level environmental factors affect COVID-19 outcomes and experience
  • Metal mixtures mechanistically affect diabetes incidence, and how these causal pathways are modified by social factors
  • Exposure assessment for multiple air pollutants can be more efficient and accurate
  • Perceptions of safety affect use of public transportation
  • Academic training affects the use of state-of-the art epidemiological methods
  • Residence with a person with substance use disorder is associated with childhood anxiety and depression