The research at the integrated Biofunctional Imaging and Therapeutics Laboratory (iBIT Lab) focuses on utilizing non-invasive acoustic and optical imaging techniques with nanomaterials and biological models to understand the structural, functional, molecular and biomechanical heterogeneity of pathologies such as cancer. The triangle in the iBIT lab logo depicts the three directions where biofunctional imaging will be utilized to improve patient care: 1. Guide surgical methods 2. Predict therapeutic response and 3. Design effective therapeutic strategies. We are a team of Biomedical engineers with interdisciplinary background in Electronics, signal processing, molecular biology, optics and nanotechnology with collaborations with clinicians and researchers in the  Boston Area. We are always looking for enthusiastic highly motivated individuals to join our team.

We are actively looking for graduate students to join our Group. Students interested in non-invasive ultrasound and optical imaging with focus on image-guided therapies and cancer research, email Prof. Mallidi your CV. We also have openings for Postdoctoral fellows. Check out the current openings here.


Congratulations to the iBIT Class of 2024!


Jeanne defends her M.S. thesis!


Valli wins the BEaChES BME Faculty Award!


Capstone 2024 presents their poster titled “Breast Mimicking Phantoms to Decipher Skin Tone Bias and Penetration Depth Limit in Photoacoustic Imaging”


Marvin wins the Outstanding Academic Scholarship Award from the Graduate School of Engineering!


Chris defends his PhD dissertation!


Vicky wins the De Flores Prize in Human Engineering and Patrick wins the Frederick M. and Dorie Ellis Prize!


Skye wins 1st prize for their 3-minute talk “Quantitative ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging to monitor photodynamic therapy outcomes” at the Graduate Student Research Symposium!


EP just dropped


iBIT Attends SPIE Photonics West 2024


Marvin defends his PhD dissertation!


Andrew teaches about Photoacoustic Imaging and Brooke teaches about Nanoparticle Synthesis at the Reverse Science Fair at Medford High School


Congratulations to the iBITers class of 2023!


Andrew Wins De Florez Prize in Human Engineering and Howard Sample Prize in Physics!


Valli Wins Engineering Faculty Mentorship Award


Look at who’s on the internet – Patrick and Andrew

Check it out here


iBIT takes SPIE Photonics West

Our lab visited San Fransisco to attend the SPIE Photonics West 2023 Conference! Chris, Skye, and Avijit gave great talks along with Marvin and Deeksha’s poster presentations! It was amazing to meet researchers from all over the world working on the development of Photoacoustic Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy.


Holiday Celebration

The iBIT Team played Yankee Swap to celebrate the end of the year!


SPIE Travel Awards

Congratulations to Avijit, Chris, and Deeksha who all received travel awards to present their research at the 2023 SPIE Photonics West Congress in San Fransisco.


BME Research Retreat

Loved having the opportunity to share the research we do with the rest of the Tufts BME department


Lab Potluck!

the jury is still out on who made the best biriyani


Optics Club Social

iBITers welcoming new graduate students at the Optics Club Social!


Visit to Northeastern University!

Amazing gathering and scientific discussions happened today when the Optics groups of Tufts visited Northeastern



TUBERS visit the lab!

Tufts University Biomedical Engineering Research Scholars ​(TUBERS) Program is for dedicated, academically-talented high school students. Some Tubers came to visit the lab and learn more about our research this summer!


RO1 Grant Awarded!

Excited to share the news that we received R01 grant from the NIH National Cancer Institute to work on photoacoustic image-guided photodynamic therapy with nanodroplets to improve outcomes in head and neck cancer in collaboration with Nanohybrids Inc!


End of Summer 2022 Lab Party


Allison Passes Master’s Thesis Defense!


Photoacoustic Monitoring of Suboptimal Therapy Efficacy

Just published from the iBIT Lab in the Frontiers in Oncology Cancer Imaging and Image-directed Interventions special issue. Read here


Dr. Mallidi’s 40th Birthday

Happy Birthday Dr. Mallidi!


UG students take over lab meeting!


Skye, Deeksha, and Avijit Pass PhD Qualifiers!


Marvin passes his ORP!


NESS Translational Research Award

Congratulations to our very own Allison Sweeney for winning the New England Science Symposium’s Prophet Genomics Translational Research Award!


Publication on Biodegradable Nanoparticles for PDT

Publication hot off the press from iBIT lab – Biodegradable Eutectic Gallium–Indium Nanoparticles fabricated via simple green sonication methods can be used for delivery of photosensitizers to the tumor for localized Photodynamic Therapy. Read here


Congratulations to our Master’s Graduates

Congratulations to our Graduates! Special mention to Abigail Claus and Allison Sweeney, the first set of Master’s students to graduate from iBIT Lab! Abby is heading to Invicro and Allison decided to stay with us longer to research further on photoacoustics


Allison Wins 2022 Pride on the Hill Award!

The award honors undergraduate or graduate students who, through community involvement, artistic expression, written work, or scientific research have contributed the most to an understanding at Tufts of gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans identities during the preceding academic year.


Grad Student Team

look at them go!


Dr. Mallidi wins BEaChES Exemplary Engineer Award

The BME faculty recipient of this year’s award is Professor Srivalleesha Mallidi!


BME Capstone Project Win

BME Capstone Best senior design project of the Year! Congratulations to these amazing young researchers in the Oudin Lab, and our very own Elli Diaz!


Abby Passes Master’s Thesis Defense


Skye and Allison awarded at Tufts Graduate Student Research Symposium


Mallidi named rising star

Dr. Mallidi has received a Rising Star Award from the World Molecular Imaging Congress. The award recognizes the contributions of outstanding women scientists in their early careers who demonstrate exceptional potential for contributions to the field of molecular imaging.


Dr. Mallidi Speaks at Columbia

Dr. Mallidi presents on ultrasound guided photoacoustic imaging for treatment at Columbia’s BME Seminar Series. Watch here!


R21 Grant Awarded

The iBIT Lab along with the Shelly Foster Group at UMASS Boston are the proud recipients of an R21 Grant!


Chris passes his ORP!


Vevo LAZR-X in Action!


Lab Swag 🙂


Jenny in action!

The histology queen is working hard


Light on Tissue!

Light on Tissue cool stuff happening in lab!


Allison and Abby pass Master’s ORP

Congrats to the iBIT Lab’s first Master’s students!


2021 Tubers Summer Program

Local high school students come to tour the lab and learn about the science we do!


Publication on Frontiers in Placenta Imaging

Checkout our review paper here, headed by Chris Nguyen, on placenta imaging with Dr. Mary Wallingford group! We are excited about this collaboration and new directions for photoacoustic and photodynamic therapy!



Study on LED-Photoacoustic Imaging for imaging tumor vasculature is now published

Access paper here. Traditionally photoacoustic systems employ expensive and bulky class IV lasers with low pulse repetition rate, due to which its availability for preclinical cancer research is hampered. In this study, we evaluated the capability of a Light-Emitting Diode (LED)-based PA and ultrasound (US) imaging system for monitoring heterogeneous microvasculature in tumors (up to 10 mm in depth) and quantitatively compared the PA images with gold standard histology images.  Analysis of 30 regions of interest in tumors from different mice showed a statistically significant R-value of 0.84 where the areas with high blood vessel density had high PA response while low blood vessel density regions had low PA response. Our results confirm that LED-based PA and US imaging can provide 2D and 3D images of tumor vasculature and the potential it has as a valuable tool for preclinical cancer research.



Imaging equipment is here!

The Vevo LAZR-X ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging system is here! We recently received NIH funds to purchase this equipment. We cannot wait for the labs to fully reopen to hook this system up and look inside of tumors!


New iBIT Lab publication

Does angle of illumination really matter in LED based photoacoustic imaging for deep tumor imaging? Check out our new publication here in Sensors that answers this question with 3D printed flexible angle holder!


NIH S10 Award for Dr. Mallidi

Dr. Mallidi has received an S10 award to  setup a small animal imaging core at the Medford Campus! The first instrument in the core is FujiFILM VisualSonics Ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging instrument


Chris & Marvin pass Qualifiers

iBIT Labs first batch of graduate students- Chris Nguyen and Marvin Xavierselvan pass the PhD qualifiers! Congratulations!



Paper published in JSR

Our work with Redmond team at MGH is now published in JSR. We showcase the utility of high frequency ultrasound  imaging in cardiovascular research – particularly to measure intima/media thickness and blood flow in diseased and treated Pig vessels in vivo. Read the paper here


We are on Tufts NEWS!

Read more about it here


UG Kelsey Detels wins the Audrey Butvavy Gruss Science Award

Congratulations Kelsey!She won the Audrey Butvavy Gruss Science Award for Juniors/seniors  for the year 2020. Awarded annually to a student who has demonstrated outstanding academic work in any of the sciences and who is a scholarship recipient. This award was established in 1992 by Audrey Butvay Gruss, an alumna of Jackson College. Working in the iBIT lab since last summer, Kelsey has been instrumental in helping with setting up the lab and the cell inventory for the lab. Read more about it here


Paper Published in Particle!

First paper of the collaboration with Dr. Michelle Foster at UMass Boston is now published in Particle . Here we utilized novel nanoparticles for image-guided drug delivery


Paper Published in JBO!

Our work on understanding mutual impact of dyes on photoacoustic contrast and photodynamic therapy is now published in Journal of Biomedical Optics!


Recognition in IEEE Women in Photonics Magazine

Dr. Mallidi was recognized as the IEEE Women in Photonics Member of the month for her work in image-guided therapeutics, low cost photoacoustic imaging and photodynamic therapy (more…)


Grad Students Chris & Marvin join the group


Getting lab set up!


Early Investigator Award at IPA

Dr. Mallidi wins the Early Investigator Award from the International Photodynamic Therapy Association. Checkout the various news channels on the award



VisualSonics Travel Award

Harvard Research Tech Marvin Xavierselvan and Dr. Mallidi win the Travel Award from VisualSonics Inc and the Prestige People’s Choice Award at the IPA conference in Boston.


First Grant to the iBIT Lab

First grant of the iBIT lab with Dr. Michelle Foster at University of Massachusetts Boston is funded. We are excited to work together on biodegradable nanoparticles for photodynamic therapy!


Paper published in ACS Sensors!


Visit to Wellman Labs

Wellman Lab visit with the BME 51/251 Class. Thank you Dr. Martin Villiger and Dr. Tayyaba Hasan lab for the time and resources to  make this trip possible.


Lunch with Lab’s First co-op students

Celebrating the start of Spring and the lab- iBIT team first lunch gathering at Yoshi Restaurant.


iBIT Lab at SPIE Photonics West

  • Marvin won the SPIE Student travel award!
  • Prof. Mallidi chaired a session in the Photodynamic Therapy Conference.


Converging on Cancer At Tufts 2019 Meeting

Prof. Mallidi presented at the “Converging on Cancer at Tufts” Meeting, Tufts University, Medford MA


UG Co-op students join lab

Brett Tierney, Tala Hefzi and Sarah Byron  join the lab as UG co-op students. They are currently a students at Wentworth Institute of Technology.

Recent News