Letters of Recommendation

Please request letters of recommendation significantly in advance of when they are due. Letters requested less than two weeks before the deadline may not be possible for me to complete in time. This is especially true when the semester is not in session, as I may not be on campus.

While writing a letter, the more information I have on-hand regarding your academic background and your interactions with me, the easier it will be for me to write a very strong letter. Don’t be shy in describing your interactions with me or detailing your academic achievements. For example, if you won a very competitive undergraduate award, let me know. If you don’t, I may not know.

As most recommendation letters have to be submitted electronically, you should use the email address margaret.mcmillan@tufts.edu as you fill in the required forms. If your letter has not been submitted two days before it is due, please send me an email.

Graduate Degree Applications

If you would like me to write a recommendation letter for you for graduate school, please make sure you have talked to me about this by November 1st (ideally as soon as possible since many fellowships are due early).The reference part of all of your forms should be filled in and emailed before the Thanksgiving break. By the Monday before Thanksgiving please email me the following information:

  • The due dates for each school (if you are applying to multiple programs) in the email
  • Your CV
  • Your undergraduate and graduate (if applicable) transcripts
  • A word file which includes:
    • Program information (university, school, program name).
    • A short paragraph description of the key aspects of your academic background. If you are applying for a graduate degree that is different from your undergraduate major, explain the transition and how your undergraduate courses have prepared you. If you have done poorly in courses which are relevant for your application then please explain that as well and describe how/whether other courses remedy for it.
    • A short paragraph description (2-3 sentences) of why you want to pursue a graduate degree.
    • Your interactions with me. If you worked as a RA please include a short paragraph on what you did.
    • Any other information that you think I should highlight in the letter that could help you get admitted.
    • Instructions for submission (online/hard copy, deadlines).

Fellowship Applications

At least two weeks before the application is due please email me the following information:

  • Your CV
  • Your undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • A word file which includes:
    • A short paragraph description of the key aspects of your academic background.
    • A short paragraph describing the reasons why you are applying for the fellowship.
    • A short paragraph describing your current research.
    • Your interactions with me. If you worked as a RA please include a short paragraph on what you did.
    • Any other information that you think I should highlight in the letter that could help your application.
    • Instructions for submission (online/hard copy, deadlines). If your letter has not been submitted two days before it is due, please send me an email.