Closing Credits

Your video must have closing credits in static (non-scrolling) slides of 3-4 seconds each.* Your closing credits should include, in this order:

  1. Your group members’ full names and any acknowledgments you want to make; here’s where you can includes names of interviewees
  2. Abbreviated bibliography
  3. Copyright attribution: images/video
  4. Copyright attribution: audio


This will be slightly different than the bibliography, in that the credits should have a truncated format to ensure readability. Submit a final, accurate bibliography to Freeden as Word document by the start of the last class on Monday, December 12.

For each source, include the author, the year, and the full title of the piece (e.g. book title; article title but not journal or newspaper name). Exclude other information like the name of the press, place of publication, etc.


Bederman, Gail. 1995. Manliness & Civilization: A Cultural History of Gender & Race in the United States, 1880-1917.
Beinart, Peter. 2016. “Fear of a Female President.”

Image/Video Sources

Images: List the name of the image, the name of the person who uploaded it, and the site. Note that the reason for going through the Creative Commons page is to insure that what you use will be copyright-friendly. If the image is one you took or created yourself, you must also provide a citation listing the date you created it. Follow these examples:

Lamanai, Belize
by joiseyshowaa

My Younger Brother Throwing a Tantrum
by Your Name
taken September 2010

Video: If you are using a video clip of another person’s work (under the Fair Use guidelines) you must attribute the source in your closing credits. Include the title, followed by the director/creator, year of production, and production company (if applicable). For non-commercial clips (such as found through a database or video site), a second example is provided below.

dir. David Hand, 1942 Disney Co.

Planes Descend on Pearl Harbor
creator, year, location of  source (e.g. Discovery Education, Vimeo, or URL of site)

If your video uses only footage you took, with no extra images or audio, finish with the following statement (adding your own name, of course):

All footage taken by: Your Name(s).

Audio Sources

Music: List the name of the piece, artist, and site from which it was downloaded. If the piece is one you created or recorded yourself, you must also provide a citation listing the software you used to create it. Follow these examples:

Ballad of the Metronome
by Elle Lefant from the album Pulse

My Angst
by Your Name
created in Garage Band

Sound Effects: List the name of the effect, artist, and site from which it was downloaded. If the effect is one you created or recorded yourself, you must also provide a citation listing the software you used to create it. Follow this example for citing what you use:

public domain

Students Laughing
by Your Name
created using Audacity

*Adapted from Next Vista for Learning: