Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

NEMA Day 2

Hello from Day 2 of the New England Museum Association annual conference!

Today featured the opening of the 54-booth Exhibit Hall, the Professional Affinity Group luncheon, and more great sessions than you can shake a stick at.

Tonight, still to come, we have an evening hors d’oeuvres hour in the Exhibit Hall and four exciting evening events. I, personally, am headed to the Noah Webster House for a Tavern Night, but there are other great options as well.

To tease you all, here’s a picture from last night’s welcome reception at the brand-new Connecticut Science Center.


  1. Cynthia

    How was the newcomers’ reception? Sorry that i could not be there!

  2. Amanda Gustin

    It was wonderful, and completely packed. I think they sold 75 tickets and we had plenty of people showing up at the door who didn’t have tickets, and so didn’t get drinks, but still came to chat. Rainey was showering every Tufts student with buttons and by Friday morning someone actually said to me “Oh, you’re from Tufts! I’ve seen those buttons everywhere!”

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